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CU-Boulder Participates in Colorado Aerospace Day at the Capitol
On March 23, CU-Boulder had a strong presence at the Colorado Aerospace Day at the Capitol, hosted by the Colorado Space Business Roundtable and the Colorado Space Coalition. Representatives included Professor Penina Axelrad, Chair of the CU-Boulder Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, Professor Scott Palo, Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering and Applied Science, and Professor Brian Argrow, former Director of the CU-Boulder Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles, as well as a number of CU-Boulder students.
In honor of Aerospace Day at the Capitol, the legislature adopted SJR 15-019, a resolution that recognizes the significant advances that have resulted from space exploration and aerospace activities conducted by Colorado’s space and aerospace industry. CU-Boulder and UCCS were recognized in the resolution and in comments on the floor by several legislators for being among the best for aerospace-related degrees, for their critical roles in producing the future aerospace workforce and for their world-class research and innovation.

Photo credit:Colorado Space Business Roundtable
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