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U.S. Senator Gardner Tours the CU Anschutz Campus
U.S. Senator Cory Gardner was given an education tour of the CU Anschutz Medical Campus by CU School of Medicine Dean John J. Reilly. The visit included stops at the Beginning to Advanced Radiology (BAR) Lab, the Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE) simulation site, and a conversation with experts on rural healthcare and education.
While at CAPE, Senator Gardner participated in a simulation experience by treating a high fidelity mannequin (a complex computerized machine that accurately depicts a human experiencing these same kinds of events from heart palpitations to distressed breathing, to urination, vomiting, and bleeding). The mannequin experienced heart failure during the simulation, but with help from the team, the Senator was able to keep the patient alive.
Senator Gardner also met with faculty members who are leaders in rural medical training and care at CU Anschutz Medical Campus and discussed a number of important issues related to the healthcare workforce and innovations in care in rural areas.
Tour experts included Nicole Restauri, MD, assistant professor of radiology and BAR Lab director; Gerald Dodd III, MD, chair of radiology; Eva Aagaard, MD, director of CAPE; Joey Failma, senior simulation clinical educator at CAPE; Mark Deutchman, MD, director of the School’s rural track; John “Fred” Thomas, PhD, director of Extension for Community Health Outcomes in Colorado (ECHO Colorado); Jay Shore, MD, associate professor of psychiatry, Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health; and Monica Mika; director of the Centennial Area Health Education Center.

Senator Cory Gardner participates in a simulation experience at CAPE.
Government Relations
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