Access your campus portal at , select your campus, and enter your username and password. You may also find campus-specific assistance with your user ID and password .
Once you have logged in to the portal, select the CU Resources tab. (If you do not see a CU Resources tab, it is your homepage.)
On your homepage, select the Benefits and Wellness tile.
Select Benefits Enrollment.

All benefits plans for which you are eligible will be listed. On each tile, click the Review link to see your options, enroll or waive benefits plans.
For example, if you select the Dental tile, you will reach a page where you can elect your plans and enroll any dependents you want covered. The first section you'll see on the Dental enrollment page is the Enroll Your Dependents section. Click Add/Update Dependent to reach a page where you can add dependents.

Below the dependent enrollment section, you can choose among the available plans and select whether you want your coverage premiums deducted from your pay before or after your taxes are deducted. If you would like to see charts of the costs for each plan type and coverage level (individual, individual + spouse, etc.), click the "Overview of All Plans" button and a popup window will open.

You can compare medical plans within the portal. Select the plans you'd like to see, and you can compare rates, deductibles, urgent care costs and more within the portal.

Some plans will require you to list your primary care provider. You can use the Primary Care Provider List to find their provider ID.

Each time you make a change, the Enrollment summary will update.

Review the page and verify that you have made all of your benefits selections.
To complete your enrollment, click the blue Submit Enrollment tile in the bottom right corner of the page.
If your enrollment is successful, you will be brought to a summary page and a popup window alerting you that your enrollment was successful.

Click OK to view your enrollment submission summary, and click Print at the top right of the summary page to view a printable page format or Done when you're ready to return to your enrollment page.
In the enrollment tool, your Enrollment Summary status will show as Submitted.
The next business day, you may review your selection through the portal's Benefits Summary. To view your new elections, enter the effective date of your benefits enrollment (the first of the following month, so if you submit your enrollment in July, for example, the effective date will be 8/1/2024) in the date field and press the Refresh button.
To access your Benefits Summary: Select the Benefits & Wellness tile on your homepage and then select Benefits Summary