Classified Staff Payroll [1]
State classified employees are part of the Colorado Personnel System, and subject to both Colorado and CU employment guidelines, rules, regulations and policies.
These employees must submit monthly leave records showing exception time, including all leave usage. Non-exempt employees must report specific hours worked (i.e., time in and out). CU has multiple options for documenting hours worked and exception time; please verify with your department how it records time and follow that procedure.
Both the employee and his/her supervisor must sign the leave record verifying the accuracy of leave usage and balances.
Handbooks, Guides & Other Documents
- State Employee Handbook [9]
- Resources for HCM Users [10]
- Payroll Production Calendars [11]
- W-2 [12]
- Payroll Adjustments [13]
- CU Resources (in the employee portal) [14]
My Leave Step-by-Step Guides
CU has multiple options for documenting hours worked and exception time. You must verify with your department how it records hours/time and follow that procedure.
- My Leave - Setting your Preferences, Tracking Time and Requesting Leave [15]
- My Leave - Selecting Earnings Codes [16]
Additional Resources
- Four-campus search [17]
- Department of Labor [18]
- Board of Regents [19]
- Social Security Administration [20]
- Internal Revenue Service [21]
- Procurement [22] Service Center [23]—Contact the PSC for travel and business expense reimbursements reported as taxable income.
- Colorado Department of Personnel and Administration [24]
- Social Security Application [25]
- Department of Personnel Rules and Procedures [26]
- Colorado PERA—"Working After Retirement" [27]
Payroll Forms for Classified Staff
Example: Biweekly [28]
Example: Fiscal Year [29]
Example: Monthly [30]
Colorado WINS Membership Form [31]
Colorado WINS Membership Termination Form [32]
Moving Expenses Form - IRS Form 3903 [33]
Moving Expenses Worksheets [34]
Direct Deposit Authorization: To access, log in to the employee portal. [35]