The Procurement Service Center office is currently closed from December 23rd - January 1st; for urgent requests or travel support please click here
The following information is supplemental to the CU Marketplace: Requestor Skillsoft course and may be helpful as you shop in the CU Marketplace.
PSC Website
The PSC website contains information on procurement policies, procedures, and learning resources, including:
Take the courses and request access
Several online courses are required for this role. For more information see Access & Training Requirements.
The courses are delivered online in Skillsoft. Log in to your campus portal and on the CU Resources Home tab, click the Skillsoft tile.
Launch the CU Marketplace - Requestor course.
When you’ve completed the required trainings, your department will request your access using the CU Identity Manager (OIM). You’ll receive an email notification when you have access.
Commodity Listing
The Commodity Listing is a good starting place for any purchase. Several commodities link to How to Buys, that outline procurement options and procedures.
Understanding your new Role
As a Requestor you’re authorized to submit requisitions within CU Marketplace, and responsible for ensuring that requisitions $10,000 and under are accurate, appropriate, and reasonable. You’re able to:
- Create shopping carts to select goods and services;
- Submit orders;
- Receive on Purchase Orders (POs) over $10,000 to release vouchers for payment; and
- Search all documents in the CU Marketplace.
Refer to the Learning Resources
The CU Marketplace Training page on the PSC website has step-by-step instructions to help you shop.
Updating Your Profile
When you have access, you should login and update your CU Marketplace profile. You can add frequently used SpeedTypes and Ship To Locations to make your shopping experience more convenient.
When shopping in the CU Marketplace, you’ll use a catalog or a form to add goods and services to your shopping cart.
- Whenever a catalog is available, you’ll find CU-specific items and prices from contracted suppliers. You’ll find shopping by catalog similar to online shopping.
- If the good or service is not available from a catalog supplier, you’ll need to use a form within the CU Marketplace. This guide will help determine which form is appropriate.
Processing Shopping Carts
Since Shoppers in the CU Marketplace are unable to submit shopping carts, a Shopper may assign a shopping cart to you to process. See Processing Assigned Shopping Carts.
Receiving is required when a PO total is over $10,000, regardless of the amount of each invoice. As a Requestor, you can enter Receiving for POs.
You’ll find many more guides on CU Marketplace Training page, including: