When you need to… Complete the… Additional Considerations
…authorize payment for an invoice when a Purchase Order or other commitment voucher is not applicable. Refer to the PSC Procedural Statement (PPS) Payment Voucher/Authorization – or the form itself – for appropriate uses of this form. Payment Voucher form
  • Supporting documentation, as detailed in the PPS, must be attached to the Payment Voucher form.
  • Complete one Payment Voucher form for each invoice.
  • Add only one Payment Voucher form to your shopping cart.
  • Payment Voucher forms do not create an order or an encumbrance…they simply result in payment.
...all purchase requests outside of catalog orders will utilize the purchase requisition form. Purchase Requisition Form
  • Purchase goods/services from a non-catalog supplier.
  • For purchases related to a subcontract or construction.
  • Blanket purchase orders, make repetitive purchases from a non-catalog supplier over a period of time
  • Request approval to pay an invoice in an After-the-Fact situation (when an organizational unit makes a commitment over $10,000 before the PSC issues a purchase order)

Additional forms, available on the PSC website, might also be needed to process your purchase in CU Marketplace. Submission instructions for completed forms – which may include attaching in CU Marketplace – are given at the bottom of each form.


When you need to… Complete the… Additional Considerations
…purchase services from an independent contractor, whether an individual or a sole proprietor operating under a Social Security Number. Scope of Work (SOW) form Refer to the Employee Services Scope of Work (SOW)/Independent Contractor.
…purchase goods/services for an official function where:
  1. alcoholic beverages are being purchased in any dollar amount, or
  2. the total food/beverage cost exceeds $500, or
  3. the per-person cost exceeds $85 regardless of total cost.
Official Function (OF) form Refer to the Finance Procedural Statement: Official Functions.
…request the PSC to change the SPO accounting information (SpeedType and/or Account, and/or Report Line Comment) on an individual SPO invoice. SPO/BPO Invoice Allocation form The SPO must have only one accounting distribution to change the invoice’s allocation using this form.
…request an honorarium payment greater than $100 to an associate or other individual. Honorarium (HNR) form  
…make a full or partial payment to a supplier (vendor) – greater than $10,000 – prior to the University receiving the goods/services. Advance Payment to Suppliers (ADV) form Refer to the PSC Procedural Statement Advance Payment to Suppliers.
...purchase goods or services greater than or equal to $50,000  Sole Source Justification Form Refer to Procurement Rules. This form is required for every purchase of over $50,000 unless the purchase is made from an existing contract, the supplier is specifically named in a grant award, or the purchase has been competitively solicited.