The deadline for nominations for Honorary Degrees, University Medals, and Distinguished Service Awards is August 1, 2025.

Before you start, you should gather a few things...


  • Name, email, address, and phone contact information for the individual you intend to nominate
  • Name, email, and phone number of those who have submitted a Letter of Support

Documents (pdf preferred)

  • Resume/CV
  • Letters of Support (3 minimum, 5 maximum)

Nomination Rules

  1. A person may not nominate themselves.
  2. A current university employee may not be nominated.
  3. A public official currently serving in office may not be nominated.
  4. A public official may be nominated two years after completion of their term of office.
  5. A regent may submit a nomination but must recuse themselves from commenting and voting on the nomination.


1 1 - Nominee info 2 2 - Letters of support 3 3 - Nominator info 4 Preview 5 Submit nomination



For descriptions of the type of awards, please visit:

Nominee information

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.

Previously awarded on:

IMPORTANT NOTE If you have any problems with this form, please contact

