AI Generated Image of CU Mascots

While AI can provide valuable capabilities, it’s crucial to remain proactive and informed about potential risks. Here are some key tips to help you stay secure and keep CU data protected:

  • Know campus policies and guidelines: you are responsible for understanding how to use AI tools effectively, safely, and within existing CU policies. Refer to the resources listed below for more information.
  • Be cautious with your inputs: AI tools learn from the data you provide, so do not share CU’s highly confidential or confidential data unless the tool complies with CU information security policies and standards. Also, avoid entering personal or private details; if you wouldn’t post it on social media, don’t share it with AI.
  • Be mindful of your online privacy: AI models often gather data from the web, so anything you share publicly could be accessible to these tools. Think about whether you would be comfortable with AI having access to that information.
  • Be aware that cybercriminals use AI: criminals can use AI to deceive you, such as creating deepfakes to mimic voices or images. They might use AI to impersonate trusted individuals, steal money, or spread fake, harmful content.
  • Follow cybersecurity best practices: given that AI is used by criminals, it’s more important than ever to use strong, unique passwords; enable MFA when possible; report phishing attempts, and keep your software updated.

Helpful campus resources

Universitywide policies

Contact your campus information security department if you have any questions.