Goal Summary

Pillar 1: Affordability and Student Retention

Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives
Focus Area: Graduation Rate & Retention
Graduation Rate (4-year, 6-year) – All First-Time Freshman (FTF)
- The graduation rate is based on first-time, full-time freshmen
- The year indicates the entering fall cohort
- The rate is the percentage of students who earned a degree within four/six years
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
Graduation Rate (4-year, 6-year) – Underrepresented Minorities (URM FTF)
- The graduation rate is based on first-time, full-time freshmen
- The year indicates the entering fall cohort
- The rate is the percentage of students who earned a degree within four/six years
- URM is defined here to include Hispanic, Black, American Indian and Pacific Islander
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
Retention Rate (First-time Freshman) – All FTF and URM
- The retention rate is based on first-time, full-time freshmen
- The year indicates the entering fall cohort
- The rate is the percentage of students who returned for second fall term
- URM is defined here to include Hispanic, Black, American Indian and Pacific Islander
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
Focus Area: Campus Wellness & Mental Health
- Percent of students, faculty and staff that participate in mental health training
- Assess faculty, staff, and student perceptions of the campus wellness culture
- Over time, data will be tracked to measure progress based on three questions selected from the ACHA - NCHA (student) & NFSHA (faculty & staff) surveys
Focus Area: Innovation in Learning & Teaching
- Strategic Initiative(s): Performance tracked through the completion of action steps

Pillar 2: Discovery & Impact

Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives
Focus Area: Research/Scholarship/Creative Work
Research Funding
- Sponsored Research awards plus gifts supporting research
- Includes federal and non-federal sources
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
Focus Area: Healthcare
Patients Served by CU Anschutz Clinical Faculty
- The number of patients served by CU medical care providers per year
- Data source is CU Medicine, CU Anschutz Chancellor's Office

Pillar 3: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Access

Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives
Percent of student, faculty and staff from underrepresented population (including gender, ethnicity, veterans and disability)
Diversity of New Students
- Enrollment based on Fall term headcount enrollment
- Diversity is defined by campus to align with their strategic goals (URM or BIPOC or All Students of Color)
- Veteran is defined by campus to align with their strategic goals
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
Diversity of New Faculty and Staff Hires
- Employee population based on enrollment snapshot
- Diversity is defined by campus to align with their strategic goals (URM or BIPOC or All Students of Color)
- Veteran is defined by campus to align with their strategic goals
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) Survey
- Survey administration will occur in fall 2021
- All CU campuses and System Office
- All students, faculty and staff
- Preliminary results of questions for the CU Strategic Plan will be presented at the February 2022 Board of Regents meeting
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
- Undergraduate Students: Since you have been a student at CU, have you experienced any of these behaviors in the context of your CU-related activities (in person or remote)? Please select all that apply.
- Graduate Students: Since you have been a GRADUATE student at CU, have you experienced any of these behaviors in the context of your CU-related activities (in person or remote)? Please select all that apply.
- Faculty & Staff: Within the last 12 months, have you experienced any of these behaviors in the context of your CU-related activities (inperson or remote)? Please select all that apply
- Policy Items/Outcomes – Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty and Staff: I feel like my concerns would be taken seriously by CU if I reported a problem related to identity-based discrimination or harassment (attributed to protected classes such as race, sexual orientation, gender, disability, etc.), or sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse (including domestic/dating violence) or stalking.
- Classroom Culture – Undergraduate Students: In most of my courses…I am comfortable expressing ideas or opinions in class without fear it will affect how people in the class treat me.
- Department Culture – Graduate Students: Indicate how strongly you disagree or agree with each of the following statements: I am comfortable expressing ideas or opinions without fear it will affect how individuals in my department treat me.
- Department Culture – Staff: Indicate how strongly you disagree or agree with each of the following statements:I am comfortable expressing ideas or opinions without fear it will affect how individuals in my department treat me.
- Department Culture – Faculty: Indicate how strongly you disagree or agree with each of the following statements: I am comfortable expressing ideas or opinions without fear it will affect how individuals in my department treat me.

Pillar 4: Fiscal Strength

Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives
Focus Area: Collaboration and Partnerships
- Gifts and Fundraising revenue include CU Campus, CU Foundation, Planned Gifts, and Support to the Office of Contracts & Grants
- Data source is CU Advancement
Other Revenue per Employee
- Other Revenue is calculated from Total Revenue less State Funding and Undergraduate Resident Tuition Revenue
- Data prepared by CU System Office of Budget & Finance
Focus Area: Deferred Maintenance and Sustainability
Facility Condition Index (FCI)
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
- Data prepared by CU System Office of Capital Assets
Energy Use Intensity (EUI)
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
- Data prepared by CU System Office of Capital Assets
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Action Steps will be developed by each campus
- Data prepared by CU System Office of Capital Assets
Focus Area: Transformation & Innovation Program (formerly: Tech Enablement and Infrastructure )
- Strategic Initiative(s): Performance tracked through the completion of action steps