We are Hiring!

Staff Council Administrator 

Brief Summary: The Staff Council Administrator supports the work of the UCSC in shared governance by managing the ongoing operations of UCSC and providing assistance in managing its committees, officers, and members. This position supports the UCSC Executive Committee by managing meetings, coordinating communications, scheduling guests, submitting information requests to partner staff council groups, and planning and executing events. Interested? Click Here.

Who we are

Elected representatives work closely with university administration to address issues and develop the best solutions for the majority. We encourage the staff to voice concerns, make recommendations, and propose new ideas. Great things can happen when we focus on our efforts.

20 Elected Officials from 5 different Staff Councils

  • Four Representatives from all campuses of the University (Boulder, Denver, Anschutz, System, UCCS).
  • Fighting to make a difference in the work lives of staff.
  • Striving to create engagement opportunities to build our University of Colorado community.  
  • UCSC provides a forum for PRAs, Classified and Unclassified Staff Members from each campus

Each member of UCSC is appointed for a 3-year term if you are interested in getting involved or even just have questions on what we strive for and accomplish on UCSC, email ucsc@cu.edu.

UCSC serves you, and together we can make a difference!

Why Get Involved?

For many reasons including:

  • Develop skills to make positive changes.
  • Cultivate a collaborative, problem-solving community among university peers.
  • Sharpen knowledge, skills, and practical insight to improve efficacy in the university context.
  • Gain greater awareness of CU and the opportunities at each campus.
  • Increase understanding of university economics and realities of working in higher education.

The UCSC Bylaws

Staff councils exist and derive their power from the authority delegated to them by the Board of Regents.  The University of Colorado Staff Council serves as the university-wide representative body for communicating to the administration and Board of Regents matters of concern to exempt professionals and classified staff employees of the university. The council adheres to bylaws which are voted on and updated as needed.

The UCSC Bylaws

UCSC in the News

Check out these articles in the CU Connections!