There are several reports now in Cognos QA for you to test.
A new m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL is now available for you to test in Cognos QA.
Miss how the old cms “Denver” summary reports drilled to show the composition of the outstanding encumbrances?
Now available for you to test in Cognos QA: a new m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY.
m-Fin ACCOUNT NUMBER is a good way to juxtapose activity in the same account code from different speedtypes.
Like reports that show one line per speedtype?
m-Fin ACCOUNT RANGE BY FUND has been revised in order to make it a more suitable replacement for the Denver site’s AM053 Curr Funds Rev, Exp, Changes report.
Currently there are no descriptions on PO lines (Purchase Order lines).
While it is great that Cognos can run several speedtypes at once, this does result in a more sophisticated speedtype prompting interface. We search for speedtypes and then insert them. This feels a bit cumbersome when you are just itching to key in a speedtype and go. So we are experimenting with an additional prompt titled SINGLE SPEEDTYPE.
Most m-Fin reports page by fopps/speedtype.
