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Finish Button Not Working?
February 9, 2015 by Carl Sorenson
You have filled in some prompts to run an m-Fin report but the Finish button does not work. It might pop-up a message saying you have not satisfied the required prompts (but it is wrong, you have). It might simply not do anything when you click it. There might be strange text next to it such as 'tb org tb pgm'. You are running Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE).
Use MSIE's Compatibility view. While in Cognos, before you click on a report name, click Tools > Compatibility View settings and then the Add button. This should move into the list of compatability view websites. Then click the close button.
The search button in PS seems to stop working when is added to compatibility view. Is there perhaps an alterative fix so that we do not have to keeping adding and removing from compatibility view when we want to use IE for mFin reports and PS?
After restarting MSIE Erin has found that compatability view works for both PeopleSoft and Cognos.
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