Sometimes drills from m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL to m-Fin PET were incorrectly returning "no data found." This is fixed now.
m-Fin ACCOUNT NUMBER now has an EXTRAS option to include EPC.
When a CU sponsored project spends over the maximum amount that can be billed from the sponsor, the expenditures are known as over-the-limit (OLT) transactions. There also can be revenue-over-the-limit (ROL) transactions, when revenue recognition is processed. Three m-Fin reports will show these dollars.
m-Fin BAE BY MONTH - SUMMARY's JUN column was not including 996 and 997 transactions. This is fixed now in Cognos QA and will be in production shortly.
Does m-Fin still say your speedtype is inactive when you know it was activated recently? You may want to advance the effective date.
The new versions of m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS and m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY have migrated to production.
New versions of m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY and m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS support periods 996 and 997.
Nine m-Fin reports are migrating to production today.
The four m-Fin reports that use CU Foundation balances are not showing these balances for accounting period 996.
m-Fin SPEEDTYPE SUMMARY has been changed to default to accounting period 996 for this week and next, same as most other m-Fin reports.
