Our current version of the CU-Data software, Cognos 11.0.6, allows users to make either copies or report views of m-Fin reports. You should make report views, not copies. Here is why.
For some runs by employee, m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY was reporting inflated dollars. This is fixed now.
A few totals have been missing from the total lines in m-Fin PROJECT ONE-LINER and m-Fin PROJECT SPEEDTYPE ONE-LINER.
Recently we added BILL TYPE to several of our reports project headers. Now we are adding a description for these cryptic 3-character codes. While we were at it we also added the project proposal id, a request from Boulder SPA.
We're planning to add drill links for the current actuals in m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY. Let us know what you think by commenting on this blog post.
We are not able to exclude content from CU-Data's search results and this is hindering its usefulness.
We are improving m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS.
The prompts on the HTML output for m-Fin PROJECT EXPENDITURES BY MONTH are getting fixed.

In m-Fin PEOJECT SPENDING TRENDS, the needles were missing from gauge chart. This is fixed and is now in production.

The payroll encumbrance process did not complete normally this month. HCM is preparing to fix and re-run it on Friday, May 26.
