Holiday Closure
The OUC (including FSS Help), along with other CU System Administration offices, will be closed from
Monday, December 23, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
We will reopen for normal business hours on Thursday, January 2.
The OUC (including FSS Help), along with other CU System Administration offices, will be closed from
Monday, December 23, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
We will reopen for normal business hours on Thursday, January 2.
Following is a list of common abbreviations used in Account descriptions.
Acc - Accrued
Admn - Administrative
Aff - Affiliate
Allw - Allowance
Annl - Annual
Ant - Annuitant's
Assc - Associate
Asst - Assistant
Aw - Awards
Ben - Benefits
Bdg - Budget
Class - Classified Staff
Cln - Clinical
ComSv - Community Service
Cnt - Contribution
Cnv - Conversion
Diff - Differential
Disab - Disability
Fac - Faculty
Fed - Federal
Fell - Fellowship
FT - Full-time
Grad - Graduate
Hr - Hourly
IA - Inactive Account
Inc - Incentive
Ins - Insurance
Lv - Leave
Mmk - Matchmaker
MdRs - Medical Resident
Ncash - Non-cash
NHr - Non-hourly
NonGen - Non-General
NGF - Non-General-Fund
NRsTtnRsP - Non-residential Tution Remission Resident Portion
NRsTtnDptP - Non-residential Tution Remission Departmental Portion
NRsTtnCmpP - Non-residential Tution Remission Campus Portion
O/E - Officer/Exempt
OffC - Off-campus
OnC - On-campus
Other - Oth
P - Permanent or Regular
P703 - Prior to July 1, 2003 (FY04)
Pay - Payroll
Per - Personnel
PreD - Pre-doctorate
PO - Payout
PoDoc - Post-doctorate
PRA - Professional Research Associate
PrcPl - Practice Plan
Prof - Professor
Prfl - Professional
PT - Part-time
Rf - Refund
ResPrt - Residential Portion
Ret - Retiree
RsAs - Research Associate
Rsch - Research
RsTtnRms - Residential Tution Remission
RtrPl - Retirement
Sal - Salary
Sec - Secondary
Sep - Separation
Suv - Survivor
Std - Student
T - Temporary
Tch - Teaching
Trm - Terminated
Ttn - Tuition
TtnRms - Tuition Remission
UG - Undergraduate
Unemp - Unemployment
Vac - Vacancies
Vst - Visiting
WS - Workstudy
WrkCmp - Workers' Compensation
Wv - Waiver
1800 Grant Street, Suite 200 | Denver, CO 80203 | Campus Box: 436 UCA
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