Form Name Purpose Last Updated File Type
Advance Payment to Suppliers (ADV) Used to request that partial or full payment be issued to a supplier prior to the University receiving the designated goods or services. Refer to the PSC Procedural Statement Advance Payment to Suppliers for more information.
11/29/2022 xls
Cash Advance Setup (CAS)

Used, in accordance with the PSC Procedural Statement Cash Advances, to set up an employee as eligible for cash advance processing in Concur.

All Cash Advance Recipients as well as Cash Advance Approvers are required to complete the following online Percipio courses before a request will be processed:

Requesting Cash Advances for Travel
Fiscal Code of Ethics or, for University Officers, Fiscal Code of Ethics - Officers
Travel and Travel Card Training

01/15/2025 xls
Certifications Under a Federal Contract (app L) This form must be completed and signed by the supplier
03/10/2023 pdf
Certifications Under a Federal Grant (app M) This form must be completed and signed by the supplier
03/10/2023 pdf
Conflict of Interest Evaluation (COI) Used when a conflict of interest related to the purchase of goods or services is known or suspected. Completed by an individual at the level of department chair or above who is in a supervisory position to the individual whose conflict is being evaluated. Reference the Administrative Policy Statement (APS) Fiscal Code of Ethics and the University of Colorado Procurement Rules. 02/12/2019 doc
Delegate Authorization (DA)

Used to add or delete 25 or more individuals as delegates, or to add a delegate for all employees within an org unit, instead of adding individually in Concur. This form combines two forms in one with separate tabs along the bottom: one to add delegates and another to delete delegates.

For processing only a few delegates, or for information on how to delete your own delegators within Concur, refer to the Step-by-Step Guide for Identifying Delegates for more information. 

12/22/2015 xlsx
Honorarium (HNR) Used to authorize payments of honoraria greater than $100 to associates/other individuals. (Payments of honoraria to CU employees must be processed in HCM.) Honoraria that do not exceed $100 do not require the HNR form but must comply with all applicable university policies.
Reviewed by campus Human Resources office (or Employee Services, for international individuals) to determine whether payment should be made through the PSC or processed in HCM.

 Note: An honorarium is a token payment, or reward, made to an individual for a one-time service (e.g., a guest lecture) for which custom forbids a price to be set. To authorize payment of negotiated services to an independent contractor, use the Scope of Work (SOW) form instead of the HNR form.

Refer to the International Payments: Required Documentation matrix for additional information on paying honoraria to international visitors.

07/09/2015 xlsx
Non-Employee Reimbursement-International (NRI) Used to reimburse travel/other expenses incurred by non-employees, or to refund money paid to the University of Colorado by non-employees, when the payments are (1) to non-U.S. persons, or (2) to non-U.S. addresses.

To reimburse or refund non-employees who are U.S. persons with a U.S. address, use the Non-Employee Expenses report in Concur. To reimburse Independent Contractors operating under Scope of Work (SOW) procedures, the contractor must submit an invoices for the expenses, and the invoice must be processed under the Payment Voucher or Purchase Order associated with the SOW.

Used to submit the designated payment requests; a purchase order or other commitment voucher is not applicable in these instances. 

All travel reimbursements for non-employees must comply with the PSC Procedural Statement for Travel. For more information on reimbursements and refunds, please visit the Non-Purchase Order Payments page.

01/01/2025 xlsx
Payment Authorization (PA)

Used in accordance with the PSC Procedural Statement Payment Voucher/Authorization to submit designated payment requests; a purchase order or other commitment voucher is not applicable in these instances:

- Cash Awards (non-employees/non-employee CU students only)
- Fund 80 disbursements (true pass-through monies, not allowable for CU Medicine - formerly known as UPI - Fund 80)
- Participant Stipends (non-employees/non-employee CU students only)
- Payroll-related disbursements (used only by ES and OUC-PBA)
- Petty Cash establishment/replenishment
- Sponsor refunds (used only by sponsored project/controller's offices)
- Tech Transfer Office payments (used only by TTO)

03/22/2021 xlsx
Sole Source Justification (SSJ) Required for every purchase over $50,000 unless the purchase is made from an existing contract, the supplier is specifically named in a grant award, or the purchase has been competitively solicited. 
10/17/2024 docx
Solicitation Information Form Used to help initiate a competitive solicitation for goods and/or services valued at over $150,000, or that you would like for the PSC to competitively procure.  10/08/2024 docx
Source Selection and Price Reasonableness (SSPR) Must be completed by the requesting department for purchases between or equal to $50,000 and $150,000 for all purchases subject to CU’s Procurement Rules, unless the purchase is listed as an Exception to the Process. The purpose of this form is to document the appropriateness of source selection and price reasonableness. Once completed, the form must be submitted with the Requisition as an Internal Attachment in Marketplace.
05/01/2024 pdf
SPO/BPO Invoice Allocation (SPO/BPO) Used to allocate default SPO and BPO accounting information (SpeedType and/or Account, and/or Report Line Comment) on an individual SPO or BPO invoice.

Note:  To do this, the SPO or BPO can only have one accounting distribution. If the SPO or BPO has multiple distributions, the invoice cannot be changed, and you cannot use this form. 
12/01/2013 xls
Study Subject Payment (SSP) Used to authorize study subject payments, in accordance with PSC Procedural Statement Study Subject Payments.

SSP payments must comply with the PSC Procedural Statement: Study Subject Payments. Payee & Organizational Unit Information: In all cases, payment will be issued directly to the individual study subject. However, the individual's name will not appear on financial reports. Instead, study payments will appear on reports as being paid simply to “Study Subjects." The PSC will maintain the necessary 1099 reporting capability. Unique identifier information can be entered in the journal line description field for reconciliation to department records. Caution: Do not enter any personal identifying information in the description if the study is confidential.
06/24/2021 xls
Supplier Show Approval All Supplier Shows sponsored by University of Colorado departments, and in which two or more departments participate, must have prior approval from the University’s Associate Vice President / Chief Procurement Officer (AVP/CPO).
03/07/2025 pdf
Travel Arranger (TA)

Used to add or delete 25 or more individuals as travel arrangers, or to add a travel arranger for all employees within an org unit, instead of adding individually in Concur. This form combines two forms in one with separate tabs along the bottom: one to add travel arrangers and another to delete travel arrangers.

For processing only a few travel arrangers, or for information on how to delete your own travel arrangers within Concur, refer to the Step-by-Step Guide for Identifying Travel Arrangers for more information.

01/01/2020 xlsx
Violation Notification (VN) Used to document and report a transaction in violation of Procurement Card policies as described in the Procurement Card Handbook. Violations may result in card revocation.
07/01/2014 xlsx
Warrant Adjustment (WA) Used to request an update to a previously issued payment such as:

- To cancel a check (i.e., warrant).
- To request reissue of the payment when the payee name and payment amount remain the same.
- To request reissue when the payment requires a new address only (provide the new address on the WA).

Note: To request reissue when the payee name changes from the original check, submit a WA to cancel the original payment and submit a new payment request for processing.

Stale-Dated Checks: PSC checks will stale date after 120 days if they have gone uncashed by the payee. The PSC actively works with departments/payees to prevent payments from stale-dating. A WA is required if a stale-dated payment needs to be cancelled without reissue, or to update an address and reissue the payment.

01/06/2020 xlsx
Wire Payment Request (WPR) Used to request a wire transfer for payment to an international supplier in the amount of $100 or more. This form must be filled out by the requesting organizational unit and submitted with the invoice.

For more information, please refer to the PSC Procedural Statement Wire Transfers.  
03/31/2023 xlsx
Form Name Purpose File Type
Official Functions (OF) Review the Finance Procedural Statement: Offical Function (OF) prior to using this form. The form is required when:
1. alcoholic beverages are purchased (in any dollar amount) for an official function or CU-hosted conference; or
2. for an official function, the total cost of food/beverage exceeds $500; or
3. for an official function, the per-person cost of food/beverage exceeds $115 (regardless of total cost).
Recognition Program Authorization (RPA) Used to document details and approvals for a recognition program. Refer to the Finance Procedural Statement: Recognition and Training for more information.  xlsx
Gift Card Authorization Request (GC) Used to request the establishment or modification of a gift card program, and to accept custody of that program. Review the Finance Procedural Statement: Gift Cards for additional information. xlsx
Recognition Reporting (RR) Used to report cash-like (e.g., gift cards) and non-cash awards, rewards, prizes, or other distributions. Refer to the Finance Procedural Statement: Recognition and Training for more information.  xlsx
Petty Cash/Change Fund Request (PCCF)

Used to request the establishment or modification of a petty cash fund or change fund, and to accept custody of that fund.

Cash Receipt (CR)

Used to deposit cash (paper/coin currency, checks, credit card checks, traveler’s checks, money orders, credit/debit card receipts, wire transfers) into an appropriate SpeedType.

W-9 (Signed by CU) Used to provide to entities who request a copy of the University's signed W-9 form (entity wants to purchase goods or services from CU). pdf
Form Name Purpose File Type
Hire An Independent Contractor (Scope of Work) Used to determine if someone can be classified as an independent contractor by the University of Colorado Employee Services. This determination is based on the nature of the relationship between the service provider and the university.

Note: Before ANY work takes place, a Scope of Work/Independent Contractor form must be completed and approved by Employee Services for all service providers who operate under a Social Security number.
via Campus Portal