Regent Laws and Policies
Review Guidance

In November 2015, the Board of Regents directed a formal review of all regent laws and policies (see full resolution below).  The formal review was completed in February 2025.

An administrative committee consisting of system administration employees to oversee and implement the ongoing review process was formed. The Law and Policy Coordinating Committee meets regularly to ensure progress, consistency, and transparency in the review process. The results of reviews are brought to the Regents Governance Committee for discussion.

In April 2023, the Board of Regents directed the administration to continue the review of regent laws and policies in perpetuity, provide annual updates to the Regents Governance Committee regarding the ongoing review process, and develop a schedule for ongoing review of Regent Laws and Policies (see full resolution below).

In May 2024, the Regents Governance Committee approved a five-year schedule for the continuing formal review of all regent laws and policies (see full resolution below).

Regent Governance Committee Resolution - May 23, 2024

Subject: Five-Year Review Plan for Regent Laws and Policies (Beginning January 1, 2025)

Approved: May 23, 2024 (By Governance Committee)

RESOLVED that this cycle of the review process shall ensure that Regent Laws and Policies meet the moment while withstanding the test of time, consistent with the mission and vision of the University of Colorado.

RESOLVED that this cycle of the review process shall ensure that Regent Laws and Policies reflect the rights, while also embracing the responsibilities, of those governed by Regent Laws and Policies.

RESOLVED that this cycle of the review process shall be conducted consistently with principles of shared governance.

RESOLVED that this cycle of the review process shall update Regent Laws and Policies, as may be needed, to conform to current institutional best practices and statutory requirements.

RESOLVED that this cycle of the review process shall ensure that policies are working to support and advance cooperation and system-level transformation.

Regent Resolution - April 28, 2023

Subject: Resolution Continuing the Formal Review of Regent Laws and Policies

Approved: April 28, 2023

RESOLVED that the Board of Regents directs the Vice President, University Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Regents, in coordination with the Senior Vice President for Internal Operations and Chief of Staff, to continue formally reviewing all Regent Laws and Policies on a continuing basis in perpetuity, ensuring that the laws and policies reflect the will of the Board of Regents.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Regents requests that the Vice President, University Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Regents, in coordination with the Senior Vice President for Internal Operations and Chief of Staff, provide annual updates to the Regents Governance Committee regarding the ongoing review process.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Law and Policy Coordinating Committee develop a schedule for ongoing review of Regent Laws and Policies and present such schedule to the Regents Governance Committee for approval, and that this schedule be reviewed at least annually by the Governance Committee. The schedule may be updated or amended as needed by the Law and Policy Coordinating Committee, and such changes will be presented to the Governance Committee for approval.

Regent Resolution - November 6, 2015

Subject: Resolution Charging Regents’ Laws and Policies Committee to Review Regents Laws and Policies

Approved: November 6, 2015

RESOLVED that the Board of Regents hereby directs the Laws and Policies Committee to undertake a formal review of all Regent Laws and Policies to:

  • Evaluate the existing Laws and Policies structure
  • Simplify the Regent Laws and Policies to ensure that they are written in a manner that allows members of the university community to understand their obligations
  • Update Regent Laws and Policies, as needed, to conform to current institutional best practices and statutory requirements
  • Better align Regent Laws and Policies with Administrative Policy Statements and campus policies
  • Rescind any Regent Laws and Policies that are no longer needed or that are better addressed as Administrative Policy Statements or campus policies
  • Consolidate Regent Laws and Policies when appropriate
  • Perform gap analysis to determine if there are areas where the Regents should enact additional Regent Laws and/or Policies
  • Ensure that the Regent Laws and Policies are consistent with the Mission and Guiding Principles of University of Colorado

RESOLVED that the Board of Regents charge the Vice President, University Counsel and Secretary of the Board to lead the review, in coordination with the Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff.

RESOLVED that the review shall involve those who possess particular expertise that will assist the Board of Regents, including representatives from the system administration, campus administration, and representatives of shared governance.

RESOLVED that the review shall be conducted consistently with the Board of Regents’ principles of shared governance.

RESOLVED that the review begin on January 1, 2016, and be completed in 18-24 months with quarterly updates transmitted to the Board of Regents.