The domain, THERMOFISHERLIFESCIENCE.COM, has been identified as a look-alike for one of Thermo Fisher’s registered domains. The domain is NOT owned by Thermo Fisher Scientific and is believed to have been created with malicious intent and may be used to fraudulently engage colleagues, customers, and vendors.
The PSC will host a Concur 101 webinar on 2/23/23 from 2 – 3 pm MST. The course will cover information you need to know before you travel, how to create a report, travel reconciliation, expense entries, and report review/report submission.
As communicated in the December PSC newsletter, CU has ended its emergency declaration that temporarily increased our bid thresholds for non-federal purchases. Effective January 1st, CU’s bid threshold is $100,000 for all goods and services. This is the threshold at which the PSC is required to issue a Documented Quote or Request for Proposals prior to issuing a purchase order.
The IRS has released the standard mileage rate for business travel in 2023. The State of Colorado allows mileage reimbursement at 90% of the prevailing IRS rate for actual necessary travel while on official business.