Fiscal Year End 2022 Purchasing Dates
Preparing for Fiscal Year-End (FYE) 2022 - RFPs, Documented Quotes, and Contracts

As you prepare for FYE, remember that purchases of goods exceeding $10,000 (using Federal funds) and $50,000 (using non-Federal funds) or services exceeding $150,000 require competition via a solicitation process. Solicitations can take a significant amount of time to prepare, evaluate, and award. In particular, Request for Proposal procedures (for purchases of goods or services over $500,000) require a committee to convene, a 30-day timeframe for suppliers to respond, significant review of submissions, and then time to negotiate and execute a contract.
Deadlines for submitting your requisitions are set accordingly and the thresholds are based on the temporary “emergency procurement” declaration increase granted on January 21, 2022.
Friday, March 4, 2022 - Deadline to submit a Request for Proposal (RFP).
- Goods or services costing over $500,000 using FY 2022 funds.
- RFPs submitted after that date may or may not be able to be completed within the required timeframes for funding this year.
Friday, April 8, 2022 – Deadline to submit requisitions for Documented Quote (DQ).
- Goods/services using Federal funds over $10,000
- Goods using non Federal funds over $50,000
- Services using non Federal funds over $150,000
Friday, April 29, 2022 - Deadline to submit all other high-dollar (over $50,000 for goods and over $150,000 for services) PO/SPO requisitions using non-Federal FY 2022 funds.
- This deadline assumes that no contract is required for the requisition to be processed.
- All departmental approvals have been obtained.
- All necessary information (approval forms, quote, PCA, sole source (if applicable and approved)) is attached to the requisition.
*Note: For any urgent procurement (where there is a risk of service interruption or work stoppage) and the requisition was not submitted by April 29, please work with your PSC contact to determine if alternative solutions are required.
Due to unpredictable variables, some contracts can take a significant amount of time to negotiate and execute. As we approach the final months of the fiscal year, please take stock of any renewals or new agreements you wish to have in place by June 30. You should begin working with your purchasing agent right away to ensure negotiations can be completed within your anticipated timeframes. Completion cannot be guaranteed for all contracts due to specific circumstances associated with each request.
Special Considerations for FYE Purchases
Please note that special procedures apply to the purchase of goods or services that involve (but are not limited to) the following:
- Digital interface
- Software, licenses
- Systems that can store, manage, control, manipulate, or retrieve information/data for human interaction, including videos, platform, web content/web development, and communications products
- Professional services that will have access to sensitive data
Purchase of these and related items require additional compliance review and approval. This part of the process is mandatory, can take several weeks, and must be done ahead of the PSC receiving the requisition and/or contract. The process advises the PSC of compliance and additional language that needs to be negotiated with the supplier. For more information regarding this step in the procurement process, please review the information provided by your campus, below:
Boulder Campus:
Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus:
Colorado Springs Campus:
Email Security Team at for additional information.
CU System:
Email Dan Jones and Brad Judy at / for additional information.
Change Orders
June 10, 2022 - Last day to submit to and all PO increase requests. The PSC will do its best to complete change order requests received by this date but cannot guarantee completion. This date assumes the change order is for monetary or date changes to SPOs and does not take into account any amendments to contracts that are associated with the change order request.
Contact the purchasing agent for the specific commodity.
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