If you are hosting a meeting at the 1800 Grant office, it’s recommended to schedule a meeting with the UIS Service Desk to set up AV equipment prior to your meeting.
Best practices for meetings in general, like sharing an agenda in advance, still apply to hybrid meetings. There are unique challenges and benefits to hybrid meetings where several participants are in the same meeting room while others are remote.
Coming into the office to work can be refreshing and a nice change of pace after an extended period of remote work. When coming to 1800 Grant, there are a few things to remember.
Employees are automatically enrolled for weather and closure emails but must opt in to receive alerts via text messages and for IT email alerts.
Follow these steps to clear your voicemail inbox.
Ideally, when working remote, you log in to the CU VPN first thing every morning. This security measure is essential when working with confidential data, and on April 14, will be necessary to update your device’s security software.
Here's how to reserve a meeting space at 1800 Grant St.
Hybrid meetings with some staff in person and some remote pose some challenge. Use these tips to ensure your meetings run successfully and include everyone equally.
Adjust your display settings to your preferred layout.
Use these images to ensure your laptop is connected correctly.
