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Easily send an email or meeting details to OneNote

You can save time copying and pasting information from an important email or meeting invitation into your notes by using the Send to OneNote option.

1. Open the item that you want to send to OneNote by double-clicking the email message or meeting invite. 

2.  On the ribbon near the top of the open message or meeting window, click Send to OneNote.

3. In the OneNote task pane that appears, select the notebook and section where you want your Outlook item to be saved.

4. Click Save.

If you don’t see the option in your Outlook top ribbon, you may need to enable it. Here’s how:

1. Click Settings > Mail in the Outlook desktop app.

2. In the Outlook Options dialog box that opens, click Customize actions.

3. On the right side of the Outlook Settings dialog box, scroll down to the options under Message surface. There are several options for actions you want to in the reading panel when you select a message to read. Make sure that the check box labeled Send to OneNote is selected.

4. Click OK.



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