CU Alert: All enterprise and business applications are available. See email for additional information.
Portal Status: Green
12-18-24 Resolution HCM
CU Alert: All enterprise and business applications are available. See email for additional information.
Portal Status: Green
The Higher Education User Group (HEUG) is a worldwide community for sharing knowledge and practices that maximize institution investment in Higher Education Information Systems. HEUG allows members to connect and build relationships across the globe to explore different, proven approaches and best practices for designing, configuring and deploying software to better serve their constituents.
HEUG’s advisory groups are composed of representatives from different institutions with expertise in various product modules and technical areas within the world of Oracle application software. The responsibilities of these groups include facilitating communication about specific product features, problems, and opportunities; advocating to Oracle on behalf of the user community for enhancements, new functionality, resolutions to problems, and more.
The University of Colorado has several representatives on these committees, including three from UIS. Learn more about each UIS representative below:
Amberly Scheppach, the Student Financials Application Manager for UIS, is on the Oracle Student Cloud Student Financials Focus Group. This group provides feedback to Oracle as they design and develop Student Financials functionality in their new Student Cloud product. She decided to be part of this committee to represent CU and its business requirements as the next generation of products are developed. “This is a great opportunity for me to connect with other HEUG members and to exchange ideas as we work with current functionality in Campus Solutions,” said Amberly. She was selected for the committee by invitation from Oracle upon expressing interest to participate. The committee meets virtually two hours a month and allows her to provide feedback into the next generation of Oracle products. |
Mayank Mittal, the Senior Peoplesoft Systems Administrator with UIS, is on the Technical and Reporting Advisory Group (TRAG) as the Vice Technical Track Chair. This advisory group shares information and knowledge with the higher education community by: - Receiving firsthand information about new tools, products, and features from Oracle and sharing it with the entire higher education community. - Keeping the higher education community informed on existing product timelines for support, security patches, and more. - Hosting webinars and presentations to educate the community on several technical topics. Mayank decided to be a part of this committee after presenting at HEUG Alliance and getting to know individuals from this committee. “It really intrigued me and I saw this as an opportunity to share and contribute more to the Higher Ed community,” said Mayank. The nomination process for this committee involved nomination of professionals from across the globe for TRAG and voting for election. “I was nominated by multiple people and then got enough votes to get selected.” A great deal of work is involved for members of this committee including working on and leading workgroups within TRAG, attending conferences, presenting at Alliance, holding webinars, educating the community, volunteering for HEUG booth assistance, and much more. |
Srikanth Gurram, the Assistant Director of HCM Development, is on the HCM Product Advisory Group (PAG) as Assistant Track Chair. This committee’s purpose is to gather, discuss, campaign user complaints and desires, then suggest Oracle to enhance HCM functionality. Srikanth decided to join this committee to learn and contribute with his domain, institutional, and technical knowledge for the betterment of overall HCM solution for CU and PS user community as a whole. To be a part of this advisory group, individuals are nominated and elected from across the globe. When asked why he joined PAG, Srikanth explained, “Along with the opportunity to network with bright brains across globe, advisory group membership provides me an opportunity to effectively endorse and advocate for the enhancement requests with Oracle”. |
Being a part of the HEUG advisory groups makes Amberly, Srikanth, and Mayank better members of the UIS department by allowing them to:
Having these team members representing on HEUG advisory groups and focus groups puts UIS at the forefront of Oracle software innovations.
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