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Declutter your digital desktop

We’ve shared previous tips about clearing out your inbox before the start of a new academic year, and now want to encourage you to clear your device’s desktop.

On a busy day, saving just one file to your desktop can be tempting, especially if you’ll need to retrieve it again in a few minutes. Over time, though, those files become visual clutter and may impact your focus.

  1. Open Desktop in File Explorer. This will allow you to sort files rather than looking at icons on your actual desktop.
  2. Change View to Details.
    View Details
  3. Now, you can sort the files by date or type. If those details aren’t showing, you may need to expand the preview panel.
  4. Sort items, then delete or file them. If sorting by type, you can quickly select unnecessary files and delete them. Or select all images and move them to your Photos folder.
  5. Pin the applications you use most often to your taskbar, rather than adding shortcuts to your desktop. This eliminates the need to minimize windows to reach the desktop.
  6. Leave files or applications that require administrator permission to move or delete.
  7. Empty your device's Recycle Bin.
    Recycle Bin
  8. Consider creating a Temporary File on your desktop for those files that can be deleted after use.
  9. Plan to use 10 minutes at the start or end of the week to maintain your digital organization.

We hope beginning the new semester with an uncluttered workspace will leave you energized and ready for a great year!

Uncluttered workspace


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