CU-People stores basic information about the university's constituents and how they interact with the university.

It manages bidirectional personal data messaging and storage at the enterprise level, using broad data governance and data policy rules. CU-People is the single point for person data.

CU-People meets the following objectives for CU staff who work with data:

  • Identify duplicate person records across source systems in real time
  • Enable robust “fuzzy matching” of person records, meaning that the systems can identify Debora, Debbie and Deb as the same person and merge the record as a single source across all source systems
  • Generate the best person record possible through:
    • Providing a universitywide master person record
    • Synchronizing the best personal record across all source systems, including name, correct address, phone, email, etc.

Access is limited to UIS Staff only.

Request access (PDF, VPN required)


Common users

CU People provides a unified master data service for an individual's bio-demo data, which is crucial for numerous systems, including HCM, Student Information System, Advancement, DUO, PING, Cherwell, and several CRM solutions, all of which consume this data in near real-time. In addition, several other systems access CU People data through data files. Below is a sample list of systems that use CU People data.

  • HCM
  • Student Information System
  • Advancement
  • PING Federated
  • DUO multifactor authentication
  • Cherwell Help Desk
  • eComm CRM
  • Boulder’s Student Success CRM
  • Campus OITs
  • Campus IAM solutions
  • Third-party solutions owned by campuses