• Unasserted claims or assessments

    Situation where an external party (such as regulatory bodies, customers, vendors, sponsors) may be unsatisfied with the University's performance and may desire to seek a legal course of action to address their concerns. And for which a legal action has not yet been filed with the appropriate campus legal office, but for which you are aware of the party's intent to file in the near future. Examples include an investigation conducted by a government agency in which enforcement proceedings against the University have not been initiated; or a situation a customer is contemplating a lawsuit to force the University to pay damages.
  • University administrative office

    An Organizational Unit that performs a specific functional service for the campus or University, such as the Budget Offices, Procurement Service Center, Human Resources, Sponsored Projects Accounting, Office of Grants and Contracts, Finance Office, Accounting Office, Payroll and Benefit Services.
  • University funds

    All funds appropriated, generated, awarded, donated or otherwise received by the University regardless of their source. With the exception of University Physicians Incorporated (UPI) funds, the term University Funds does not include Agency Funds (Fund 80) that the University maintains for legally separate External Student Organizations or other entities.

  • University information

    Official information of the institution, including but not limited to: university work products, results, materials, records, or other information developed or produced with university goods, funds or services. University information encompasses all information created by the university, including information classified as private or restricted. Examples include university web site content, schedules of courses, requests for proposals, policies and guidelines, personnel records, student data, research data, and patient data.

  • University record

    Any form of recorded information, regardless of physical characteristics, that is created, received, maintained, or legally filed in the course of university business. 

    University record does not include:

    1. Materials preserved or appropriate for preservation because of the historical value of the materials;
    2. Library books, pamphlets, newspapers, or museum material made, acquired, or preserved for reference, historical, or exhibition purposes; 
    3. Private papers, manuscripts, letters, diaries, pictures, biographies, books, and maps, including materials and collections previously owned by persons other than the state or any political subdivision thereof and transferred by them to the university.
    4. Non-records (see definition in APS Glossary of Terms)
  • University resources

    Official resources of the institution, including but not limited to: university funds, facilities, personnel/labor, equipment (e.g., telephones, photocopy machines, computers – including email), work products, results, materials, records, or other information developed or produced with university goods or services.

  • University staff

    University staff are employees who are exempt from the rules, procedures and regulations that govern the state of Colorado personnel system per Section 24-50-135, C.R.S.  University staff positions are subject to all other applicable federal and state law and regulations, as well as laws and policies set forth by the University of Colorado Board of Regents and other University policies. (The term “officer and exempt professional” was replaced with the term “university staff” effective April 17, 2015.)

  • University vehicles

    Any licensed vehicle or unlicensed vehicle owned, leased, or operated under University funding.
  • Unrelated business income

    Income produced by the University from activities beyond our mission of education, research, and public service and subject to taxation under Internal Revenue Service.