February 26, 2015

UIS well-represented in Oracle’s Customer Advisory User Groups

University Information Systems (UIS) is strongly represented in the Higher Education User Group’s (HEUG) Product and Technical Advisory Groups (PAG and TAG). The international members of HEUG consult with Oracle to develop best practices and provide product input, collaboration and a common language between Oracle and its customers. PAG and TAG representatives support HEUG’s mission in an advisory capacity throughout their three-year term.

UIS involvement in PAGs and the TAG: The following UIS team members currently represent the university on PAGs and the TAG:

  • Jason Armbruster, Enterprise Architect, serves on the TAG as Secretary – Assistant Technical and User Experience Lead. The TAG’s charge is to provide strategic recommendations to Oracle for future product releases for PeopleSoft and related products and works with the PAGs to provide technical insight and recommendations.
  • Several of UIS’s staff serve on PAGs, which advise Oracle development teams to make informed decisions for their area of expertise and work with the user communities to inform them about critical issues and provide educational opportunities for each specific application. Here are the UIS PAG participants:
    • Lisa Carr, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Application Manager, serves on the CRM PAG as Assistant Track Chair.
    • Matthew Glover, Admissions Application Manager, was newly appointed to serve on the Admissions PAG (role to be determined during the annual meeting at the upcoming Alliance Conference).
    • John Hanna, Student Financials Application Manager, was newly appointed to serve on the Student Financials PAG (role to be determined during the annual meeting at the upcoming Alliance Conference).
    • Milap Sharma, Enterprise Development Director, serves on the Reporting PAG and as liaison to the TAG.

Normandy Roden, Director of Finance & Procurement Business Services in the Office of University Controller (OUC), also represents CU on the HEUG Communications Committee. She has served as Chair of the committee since 2012. She is also a frequent speaker at the HEUG-sponsored Alliance Conferences, recently joining OUC colleague and financial systems analyst Ryan Day at Alliance 2013.

Why it matters: UIS staff’s selections to serve as members of the HEUG TAG and PAGs shows that our direction and practices in our Oracle implementations align with best practices and that our organization as a whole is recognized as a technical leader in the higher education arena.

Access the HEUG website to learn more about PAGs and the TAG. Refer to UIS’s website for additional information about our services.