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Cvent | Custom URL or Private Domain

Do you promote your events via a printed invitation or radio ad? Work with your eComm specialist to leverage Cvent's private domain to create a custom, short URL to make registering for events easy. 

Private Domain

eComm has already procured a private domain (, so users can request to add their desired trailing name (via their eComm specialist), at no cost. Units can contract directly with Cvent to buy a new private domain. Learn more about private domains and if interested, submit a help ticket to get a cost estimate and Cvent's contact information.

eComm's Private Domain

  • Each trailing name in our Cvent private domain,, must be unique for the URL to function properly.
  • Trailing names can contain up to 50 letters and numbers, but no spaces or special characters
  • The same trailing names can be used for consecutive events (for example, a fundraising event that occurs once in 2018 and that will occur again in 2019), but the domain selection for the previous event must be updated from to in Event Configuration before proceeding.
  • eComm specialists must activate private domains for their users.

Suggested Naming Convention:

For events/conferences that are specific to a campus/System/Advancement and do not share the same general name of an event taking place anywhere else in the CU System:


For events that may share a name with an event on another campus:


Tracking Spreadsheet


Custom URL

With a custom URL, you can pick any name you want but .cventevents gets tacked on the end. The advantages are: it's quicker and easier to set up and you can use the same name as your organization's primary website. Learn more about custom URLs and if interested, submit a help ticket to get a cost estimate and Cvent's contact information.