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Create polls in Teams channels and chats

Add a poll to your Teams channel or chat

You may have used a poll during a Zoom or Teams meeting, but did you know you can also add a poll in a Teams channel or chat?

If you are the “owner” of a Team with members from different campuses, it can be challenging to schedule a meeting since you can only view the Outlook Calendar of peers at CU System. Use a poll to help determine the best time for a team meeting. Maybe you are leading a Team with hundreds of members. Rather than read through dozens of comments, you can quickly gather a consensus from the group through a poll.

Here's how to create a free poll using the Microsoft Forms app in Teams. You can also explore creating polls by adding the app Polly to your Team.

Using Forms to create a poll

Create a Microsoft Forms poll in Teams:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams and navigate to the group chat where you want to create a poll.
  2. Click on the plus symbol at the top to add a new tab.
  3. In the pop-up window, select the “Forms” app. If it doesn’t appear as a suggested option, begin typing “Forms” in the search bar within the popup window until the app appears.
  4. On the Polls screens, enter your questions and options. You can tap Add option for a maximum of six options. Note: you can allow people to select more than one option by turning on the Multiple answers toggle.
  5. Tap Save to see a preview of your poll.
  6. Tap Edit if you want to make an additional change.
  7. If your poll is ready, tap Send.

Testing shared poll


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