CU Alert: All enterprise and business applications are available. See email for additional information.
Portal Status: Green
CU Alert: All enterprise and business applications are available. See email for additional information.
Portal Status: Green
CU System employees are required to reset their username and password every 180 days with a new minimum password length of 12 characters.
Employees can reset their password themselves following these self-service password instructions. If you experience any issues, contact the UIS Service Desk at 303-860-4357 (HELP) .
Passwords must have:
Follow these password creation tips to maximize your protection against cybercrime.
Locked out? Recover your password to regain access to your account.
You can reset your password by following the step-by-step instructions.
If you encounter issues with resetting your CIW password, please contact
1800 Grant Street, Suite 300 | Denver, CO 80203 | Campus Mail 050 SYS
CU Help Line: 303-860-HELP (4357), E-mail: | Fax: 303-860-4301