TaskRay, Cvent IMA Reminder, User Reports, Communications to Incoming Students, Cvent Licenses and Provisioning
Learn how Marketing Cloud can help you identify common spam triggers in your communications so that your message is delivered to an inbox rather than a spam folder.
Email opt out field integration, August in-person meeting, Cvent Flex, Journey Builder
Take a look at Cvent's extensive assortment of themes for your own inspiration.
Not sure which dimensions to use for your Flex event? The Graphics Cheat Sheet contains the recommended dimensions for the images that appear on your event website.
Active Enrolled Count, Student Career Number, Sends to Data Extensions Using Marketing Cloud Profile Attributes, Cvent Integration Update, Cvent Speedtypes and Account Codes
Are you sending an email to a data extension using profile attributes (also known as data tags or personalization tags)? Learn how to populate your profile attributes correctly so your send will contain the desired constituent data.
Collectig payment in Cvent with funds directed to a CU speedtype? Learn about the types of account codes that are allowable in Cvent per CU's controllers.
Cvent Integration, CRM03 License Object, TaskRay now Available, Data Dictionary, Accessibility eBook
CRM03 License Object, TaskRay, Cvent Fundraising Event Required Fields, MEC Weekly Digest Archive
