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Catch these common position errors before they disrupt payroll funding

As hiring for the new academic year begins, payroll liaisons should proactively check for HCM data mismatches that can affect payroll funding for new hires.

Here are a few tips to keep funding from tripping up payroll. 

Tip #1: Funding must exist in this fiscal year. Ensure funding for new positions and new departments exist in the new fiscal year.

The Department Budget Table Roll Forward copies the most current funding row for each position in FY24 to a new funding row effective July 1.

After the DBT Roll Forward is complete, if you create a new position or change a position’s department that has an effective date before July 1, another row must be added manually to create a row for FY24 effective July 1.

Use the CU Funding Entry to create a funding row effective July 1, 2024 to continue funding into the new fiscal year.

Tip #2: Has the project end date for a grant or contract been extended?

Once a position funding row is created, it does not update project end dates when they are extended. Add a new funding row to update expired funding and project end dates.

Tip #3: Use this checklist for funding new positions.

  1. When creating new positions, after clicking Save, use the HRGL Request to enter funding for the new position.
  2. Make sure that SpeedTypes and projects are active.
  3. After the position row is approved, confirm that funding posted by using the Position Funding History in the HCM WorkCenter.

 Tip #4: Are you hiring into an existing position that is vacant?

Use Position Funding History in the HCM WorkCenter to confirm that funding is current and accurate before hiring the new incumbent.

Use the CU Funding Entry form to update funding on a vacant position. Changes can be effective any time during the vacant period (including prior payroll periods).

Tip #5: Was the position created before July 1 (in FY24) for a hire date on or after July 1 (in FY25)? 

Make sure funding exists in both fiscal years. A July 1 row must be created or payroll will go to suspense in the new fiscal year.

After the incumbent is hired, effective dates can only be entered for current and future pay periods.

Tip #6: Has your position changed departments? Create funding for the new department.

When adding a row to a position to change the department and clicking Save, the HRGL Request will display in order to enter funding for the new department. Funding must be entered reflecting the new department or payroll will go to suspense.

Before submitting the position row for approval, be sure that the Update Incumbents box is checked, so a row can be created in Job Data to match the position department.

After the position row is approved, use Position Funding History in the HCM WorkCenter to verify that funding posted with the new department. Open Job Data to ensure the new department row posted to job data.

 Tip #7: Is there a department mismatch between position and job data?

When reviewing position and job data details, if the department does not match in both position and job data, add a row to position data to update the department.

When updating the department on the Description panel, make sure the Specific Information panel includes the Update Incumbent box as checked. 

After the position row is approved, a row will be created in Job Data with the new department. Always confirm that Job Data updated with the new department before the next payroll processes, or payroll will go to suspense.

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Need extra help?

If you have questions or issues with funding entries, you can find HR/GL resources on the HCM Community’s HR/GL section.

You can also email or for additional help.

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