Taleo’s reporting platform will migrate from Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) to Oracle Analytics (OAS).
When job seekers sign up for automatic alerts, you can automatically invite matching candidates to see a new job posting.
CU Careers is upgrading to Fluid Recruiting starting Aug. 25. Be on the lookout for updated guides and online learning resources.
View the ways data deletion varies for each candidate system.
Walk through tasks you’ll need to complete before the data is deleted.
The April 18 upgrade will create a better user experience.
Production and Stage environments in CU Careers will be down for a 12-hour maintenance window rather than a 6-hour window.
The June 7 upgrade will streamline processes, improve functionality and create a better user experience. CU Careers usage will not be affected.
CU Careers is back in service for applicants, department users and recruiters.
We will alert you when service is restored.