A new portal tool allows managers to clear old My Leave notifications for leave requests or timesheet submissions that were modified before the manager was able to act on and clear the original request.
Employees at risk of losing vacation leave need plenty of time to schedule leave. Help your employees plan for the June 30 leave carryover deadline by ensuring correct leave balances.
Occasionally, you’ll need to correct errors in payroll after it processes. CU’s HCM Payroll Expense Transfer (PET) solution has a number of helpful features to make reallocating funding a breeze.
There are a few best practices to keep in mind while reviewing paychecks to ensure that employees are paid correctly and funding posts correctly. As we approach fiscal year-end, become acquainted with the tools to ensure all pay is posted correctly before fiscal year-end on June 30.
The U.S. Department of Labor has tightened requirements for the classification of independent contractors, which go into effect on March 11. Make sure you understand the requirements for classifying someone as an independent contractor before submitting a Scope of Work form.