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CU job code updates — review the latest benefits eligibility matrix

The University of Colorado has a variety of job ranges that reflect different types of employees such as faculty, university and classified staff, and retirees with additional jobs. Job codes for each range are maintained in HCM for HR, payroll, benefits and accounting purposes.

The attributes of each job code are governed by a variety of university and other policies. The benefits eligibility matrix connects the job codes and the policies to help HR and HCM users understand the appropriate use of job codes when setting up positions. It includes the official job code title and definition as well as the default payroll, wellness benefits, leave, and setup information for each job code. 

The HRIS team in Employee Services recently made several updates to the job code table in HCM and to three tabs on the benefits eligibility matrix:

  • Faculty
  • University Staff
  • Retiree Additional Jobs

Significant changes were made to Administrative Policy Statement (APS) 5060 regarding faculty appointments. There was a collaborative effort between the ES HRIS team and campus representatives through the Job Code Working Group to apply new language and guidelines from the policy. 

Changes were made to faculty job codes in HCM and the benefits eligibility matrix to standardize faculty job titles and reflect faculty appointment definitions as outlined in APS 5060. These groups are still working in partnership to bring HCM fully into alignment with the changes established in the policy. Additional updates are still in progress.

University staff job codes included in the matrix have been updated to ensure all job codes listed match those available in HCM. 

Finally, the retiree additional jobs tab (labeled as “Retiree Add’l Jobs” in the matrix) now includes all six working retiree job codes, which are governed by Administrative Policy Statement (APS) 5054, along with two emeritus/a job codes for faculty and officers.

The classified staff tab on the eligibility matrix is currently under review. Classified staff job titles and definitions are established by the State of Colorado. Periodically, new job codes are introduced by the state and are used for positions at CU. Updates to the tab are forthcoming and will bring the matrix and the job code table in HCM in alignment with State of Colorado job code offerings.

Find the right job codes

It’s important for human resources and recruiting staff to always refer to the benefits eligibility matrix document page to ensure they’re accessing the most up-to-date version. Referring to a previously downloaded version of the document may be problematic as updates to the document are made periodically. 

Users who have questions about job codes or the appropriate use of job codes are encouraged to contact their Campus HR Office for guidance. Additionally, questions related to job code setup or availability in HCM may be directed to

In addition to the benefits eligibility matrix, users can use the Job Code Crosswalk query (CUES_HCM_JOB_CODE_CRSWLK) in HCM to find up-to-date information about job codes:

  1. Log in to the employee portal.
  2. Open the CU Resources dropdown menu and click Business Tools.
  3. Select the HCM tile and choose HCM Community Users from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the HCM WorkCenter tile.
  5. Select the Resources tab and click the Job Code Crosswalk query (CUES_HCM_JOB_CODE_CRSWLK).

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