Don’t forget to pay out Earnings Not Paid for 9-pay-12 terminations this May
Blog updated March 26, 2021.
The end of the semester is quickly approaching and professors of a 9-pay-12 contract, who terminate in May should have their Earnings Not Paid (ENP) paid out in their May paycheck.
To do this, a termination row will need to be entered with a termination effective date for the day after the contract ends. For example: UCB would use termination effective date of 05/08/21, UCCS would use 05/16/21, and for UCD, it would be 06/01/21.
This must be done prior to the May payroll deadline at 5 pm on 05/18/21 for the ENP to payout in full.
For more contract tips, tricks and information, visit the Contract Pay section of the HCM Community website.
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