The performance cycle for university staff has ended and the classified staff performance cycle ends March 31. See how to set goals for university staff and prepare for classified staff evaluations.
Share these resources and worksheets with your department to develop and track effective professional goals.
Ovia gives CU Health Plan members a new approach to maternity and family benefits.
If you're an approver, please note special instructions to approve outstanding timesheets.
A quick workaround will give you access to enter time. Please do not use the system to approve time until issues are resolved.
See how this important document can assist you when setting up positions.
Employees will soon receive their W-2s in the mail. They can also be viewed and downloaded conveniently in the portal.
Minimum wage uploads were completed to increase the pay rates of hourly employees who fell below Colorado’s new minimum wage.
You’re the biggest defender of your health. Biometric Screenings can help you avoid health perils and track year-to-year progress.
