We've been informed by several departments that they're having trouble accessing the Apple punchout catalog using Chrome or Safari browsers.
The known issue has been resolved where users were intermittently experiencing an error message when booking airfare through Concur.
After thoughtful consideration and a thorough competitive proposal process (RFP #PSC-S-1606), Dell Technologies has been awarded the University of Colorado’s contract for computer equipment and related hardware, software, services and support.
An issue has been identified where users are intermittently experiencing an error message when booking airfare through Concur.
Fisher Scientific distribution centers are closed for the Memorial holiday on Monday, May 29th.
The Benson Hotel and Faculty Club is now open!
Invoice images within Marketplace will be unavailable from May 10, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on May 11, 2023 due to an upgrade within the system.
Special CU Anschutz Graduation Package at the Benson Hotel and Faculty Club
As part of the normal process of bringing new products and solutions to their customers, Dell is in the process of updating some of the standard configurations listed with the CU Marketplace Punchout Catalog. This article includes a crosswalk to help understand which models are being replaced with new model and model designations. Additionally, we are including a list of newly released Dell peripherals which will likely be interested to many of us at CU.
If you need to look up an invoice, watch this quick video for a step-by-step guide.
