Welcoming a new employee to your team is exciting.

CU System Administration is committed to creating a positive, inclusive and engaging onboarding experience for all new employees. Whether your new employee is local to Denver and being onboarding in person at the 1800 Grant Street office, or if they are fully remote, the CU System HR team will provide support to ensure a successful onboarding.

A successful onboarding experience is crucial for your new employee. Managers and departments have a critical role in ensuring their new employee has the tools, resources and information to begin their journey at CU. The information below will outline the steps hirings managers should take when bringing on a new employee to their team.

Tips for onboarding remotely.

During Recruitment:

  • Email help@cu.edu to request equipment needed for the employee. Items you may want to request: computer, monitor, docking station (if laptop), keyboard, mouse and phone. This can be done as soon as you know you will be recruiting for the position. Please work with your department liaison before submitting a request.

After the offer is accepted:

  • Once your candidate has been identified, reply to your original e-mail to the Service Desk to inform them your new hire will be starting and to begin preparing equipment/software access.


  • Prepare workspace: Ensure UIS Service Desk has equipment at least 1 week for in person hires or 10 days for out of state hires, from the employee's start date. Delays in getting the proper equipment to the Service Desk may result in delays on the employee's first day or week.
  • Begin developing an onboarding or training plan for the new hires first days, weeks, and months on the job.

First Day Onboarding Appointments:

Ensure the new hire questionnaire sent from Human Resources is completed as soon as possible. This information will allow the onboarding team to have accurate information that is needed to ensure a seamless onboarding experience.

In-person Onboarding

If your new employee is being onboarded in person at 1800 Grant Street, they will meet with Employee Services & UIS on their first day. Human Resources will schedule an appointment with UIS for your new hire. An Outlook invite will be sent to your new employee, and cc the manager for awareness. The Outlook invite will include information regarding what time to arrive, where to go, etc.

It is highly recommended that hiring managers are at the office to meet their new employee, and escort them to their onboarding appointments. If for some reason a manager cannot be on-site, the Security Guard is cc’d on these appointments and can escort your new employee throughout the building.

Your new employee should report to the 4th floor to meet with Employee Services. An Employee Services representative will collect their I-9 documentation, and provide them with a building badge. After that, the new employee will go to the 3rd floor to meet with the UIS Service Desk and pick up their equipment. After these two activities have taken place, managers will want to provide their new hire any instructions for the remainder of their first day.

Remote Onboarding

If your new employee is being onboarded remotely, their equipment will need to be shipped. It’s crucial that the UIS Service Desk has the equipment at least 10 days prior to the employee’s start date. For any questions regarding shipping or tracking, please contact the UIS Service Desk for assistance.

Human Resources will schedule a time for your new employee to meet with a UIS Service Desk representative remotely via Zoom. This session usually takes 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

Please ensure your new hire does not try to log into the machine prior to meeting with UIS.

Your new hire will need to complete their I-9 form at a reciprocal location. Human Resources will coordinate with an institution in their local area to complete the I-9 form.

During Employee's First Week:

  • Check in with the employee:
    • Discuss any training required to gain access to job-related systems.
    • Identify additional equipment or resources they may need (i.e. standing desk, additional monitor, etc.)
    • Receive feedback on the onboarding process and their first week.
    • Review the 1800 Grant Resource Guide and emergency procedures.
    • Ensure correct My Leave preferences have been set based on campus location. (This only applies to departments with locations on other campuses.)
  • New employees will be invited to a weekly virtual session with a member of Employee Services. This session will be held Wednesday at 10:00am. The purpose of this session is to ensure employees know how to access their employee portal and can begin various self service items such as:
    • Confirming their personal information
    • Adding Emergency Contact
    • Enrolling in Direct Deposit
    • Completing Tax Forms
    • Navigating to the benefits tile in the employee portal
    • Access the Payroll & Benefits orientation & information
    • Navigating to SkillSoft to begin completing required trainings

Within the employee's first month:

New employees at CU System will be invited to attend a monthly New Employee Orientation. This session will take place on the third Thursday of the month, from 9:00 – 11:00am MST.

During the NEO session, new employees will also receive a Payroll & Benefits overview.

The session will be virtual, but will have also have a reserved space at 1800 Grant Street for anyone who is at the office, or would like to attend in-person.

Once the recruitment phase is complete, the Talent Acquisition team will send a copy of the offer letter via e-mail to the hiring manager, informing them that the new employee is ready to be onboarded.

This e-mail will also include important onboarding information, including a New Hire Questionnaire form. This form will ask managers to complete basic information the HR Operations team will need in order to begin the pre-employment activities.

Timely completion of this questionnaire is important. It is important for hiring managers to complete this New Hire Questionnaire as soon as possible. Any questions can be sent to systemhr@cu.edu


  1. HR enters all new hire information into HCM.
  2. HR sends an onboarding "Welcome email" to the new employee. The email includes basic new hire information and their employee ID number.
  3. UIS sets up active directory and notifies hiring manager when this is complete.
  4. HR sends a confirmation email to the manager/department liaison prompting them to sign up the new employee for a meeting time with HR and UIS through Calendly. Employee Services is CC'd on this email for badge access to be obtained for new employee.
  5. Once an appointment time is confirmed, HR will send an Outlook invite to the new employee with instructions for their first day. Hiring managers will be cc'd on this invite.

Employee's First Day:

  1. HR meets with new employee during designated time and completes the following tasks:
    • Collect I-9 documentation.
    • Ensure employee has access to the CU employee portal.
  2. Service Desk meets with new employee to set up workstation and ensure their computer is set up properly.
    • Take a picture for the email contact list.

Employee's First Week:

During the employee’s first week, they will be invited to attend a 30 minute virtual Welcome Session with an Employee Services representative. This session will be a check-in with the new hire to ensure they have everything they need to get started in their new role. There will be a short CU Portal Overview to ensure new employees know where to access self service items such as: adding an emergency contact, signing up for direct deposit, verifying their address, watching the Payroll & Benefits orientation videos, where to enroll in Benefits and required SkillSoft trainings.

Employee's First Month:

System HR will host a monthly New Employee Orientation session that new hires will be invited to attend. The session occurs on the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 9:00 – 11:00am MST. The NEO session will be offered as a hybrid or remote option. Human Resources will send all new hires a calendar invite each month with additional details regarding the monthly orientation session.

During this time, HR will spend approximately 90 minutes covering important new employee information. The last 30 minutes will be a presentation from the Payroll & Benefits team going into detail about the various CU Benefits available to employees.