Who qualifies for this benefit?
University staff, classified staff, 9-month faculty and 12-month faculty are eligible upon date of hire if the employee’s hire precedes the first day of the birth, adoption, foster care placement, or guardianship.
How much paid leave is provided?
University staff, classified staff and 12-month faculty are eligible for 6 weeks (240 hours) of paid parental leave (PPL) used to supplement FAMLI wages. If FAMLI is not available, PPL will provide up to 100% pay. The 6 weeks of PPL must be used during the first 6 weeks of an employee’s leave period. Leave amounts are prorated for percent of time if appointment is less than 100%.
9-month faculty are eligible for 18 weeks of paid parental leave (PPL) used to supplement FAMLI wages up to 50% of the employee’s pay. If FAMLI is not available, PPL will provide up to 50% pay.
Specific campus policies may allow for additional leave; please consult your campus HR office for details.
Do I have to take parental leave at once?
University parental leave is to be taken consecutively. Any faculty or staff member who does not wish to take the standard leave may negotiate an alternative leave arrangement with their supervisor or primary unit chair. For example: using the six-month parental leave intermittently, alternative work schedules, differentiated workloads, banked courses, etc.
A department may require blocks of time (i.e. full shifts, days or weeks) for bonding and request the employee make a reasonable effort to schedule leave as not to unduly disrupt operations.
How much time do I have to take paid parental leave?
Leave must be taken within one year after the birth, adoption, foster placement, or guardianship of a child.
Can I take paid parental leave and then take time off using Family Medical Leave separately?
All parental leave runs concurrently with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and State of Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act (FAMLI).
Thus, leave taken under the Parental Leave Policy counts as part of, and is not in addition to, the 12 weeks of leave guaranteed by the FMLA and FAMLI.
Does the policy apply to foster children?
Yes, it does.
Can I take parental leave again for the birth or adoption of another child later?
Yes. Parental leave can be used following subsequent births or adoptions. However, this benefit can only be used once per 12-month period from the date the first parental leave begins.
Do I still accrue vacation, sick leave or paid time off while I'm out on leave?
As long as you are in a paid status with the University, you will continue to accrue vacation, sick, or other personal paid leaves. If any portion of your leave is unpaid, your accruals will be prorated.
Employees receive full leave accruals during periods of FAMLI leave.
Will paid leave be included in my regular paycheck or a seperate check?
Paid parental leave will be included in your regular paycheck. Paid parental leave is paid in arrears. For example: leave taken in January will be reflected on your February paycheck.
If I have short-term disability, will I still be eligible? If I am eligible, how do I use parental leave without short-term disability?
Yes, an employee is eligible for paid parental leave if they are enrolled in short-term disability. Paid parental leave must be used within the first 6 weeks of an employee’s leave period (for staff and 12-month faculty) and may be used before or after short-term disability benefit usage, but not simultaneously.
How do I request this benefit?
Contact the Employee Services Leave Team to request this benefit.