Department budget tables roll forward to fiscal year 2021 on June 29
The fiscal year 2021 (FY21) Department Budget Table (DBT) roll forward will occur on June 29.
A new Department Budget Table (DBT) is required when any of the following occurs:
- A position is created. (A Position HRGL Request creates the DBT.)
- An existing position changes department. (A Position HRGL Request creates the DBT.)
- The fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) changes. (An annual DBT roll forward mass update creates the DBT.)
The Department Budget Table roll forward mass update will:
- Copy most current FY20 funding row
- Create a FY21 DBT (unless a FY21 DBT already exists)
- Effective 7/1/2020
- For active position/department only
What do I need to know?
Q: What if a FY21 DBT row already exists?
A: No new row is added.
Q: What about rows with no funding end date?
A: No funding end date is copied.
Q: What if a non-project has a 6/30/20 funding end date?
A: Consider removing the funding end date as the budget end date stops the encumbrance.
Q: What if the funding end date expires before 7/1/2020?
A: The same funding end date copies as expired funding and, if not updated, will send July payroll to suspense.
Q: What if a funding end date exists dated after 7/1/2020?
A: The same funding end date is copied.
Q: What if a funding end date exists for a project?
A: The same funding end date copied.
What if I want to update funding before the roll forward?
If you’re entering funding changes on an existing position using the new CU Funding Entry page, you can use the Apply to Next Fiscal Year checkbox to copy your June funding to FY21. The Apply to Next Fiscal Year will create a new fiscal year DBT effective 7/1 or update a row already created, so that the same funding distribution may continue into the new fiscal year.
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