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New CU Funding Entry alert helps ensure new funding entries post successfully

CU Funding Entries require row-level access to a position in order for approved HRGL Requests to post.

CU Funding Entries that update funding for a position may be entered by any user with row-level access to the position’s department. Sometimes another user will review the transaction and click save/submit.  If the user who clicks save/submit does not have row-level access to the position’s department, the HRGL Request will never post.

To avoid confusion about whether an HRGL Request has posted and a new row successfully added to the department budget table, a message will display when a user does not have sufficient access to the department. This creates a hard stop.  A user who does have row-level access should click save/submit so that the HRGL Request will complete and post.

Need extra help?

You can learn more about funding entries on the HCM website. You can also email: or

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