Salesforce Audience Reports Based on Address

Option 1 (Free)

A Free Map Tool can be used in combination with Salesforce Reports to capture audiences based on geography. When requesting an audience based on geographic location from an eComm specialist, either:

  • Specify the Input for your eComm Specialist (Radius and Central Zip Code, ie. 10-mile radius of 80203) OR
  • Use the Radius Search yourself and provide the Zip Codes

There are two options to identify zip codes, one by radius and another by drawing on the map.

Once the zip codes are identified, they will be added to a Salesforce Report filter critea.

Option 2 (Paid)

GeoPointe is a paid Salesforce add-on that the CU Boulder Alumni/Advancement unit leverages due to frequent geo-targeting needs*. eComm specialists (already with Reporting access) can submit a help ticket if interested in accessing GeoPointe. 

  • *One potential downside to GeoPointe is that the audience is not dynamic. In other words, the eComm specialist must re-run the query in GeoPointe before each send to ensure the audience is accurate. For most users, this is a barrier and makes the free map tool (above) more appealing.