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Course Audience Description
CU: Bloodborne Pathogens Required annually for all academic or research laboratory personnel with potential occupational exposures at CU. This 30-minute course is the bloodborne pathogens course for the University of Colorado. This training is required annually.

HCM Course Code: u00069

CU-SIS Course Code: SK012

Start Course

CU: Chemical Waste Management Required annually for all CU employees who generate or handle hazardous chemical waste at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus and CU Denver campuses.
This 45-minute course is required annually.
HCM Course Code: u00068
CU-SIS Course Code: SK014

Start Course

CU: CU Research Imaging Center MRI Safety Training Required for all staff working in the Research Imaging Center at the CU Anschutz campus. This 60-minute long course provides MRI safety training for Level 1 and Level 2 personnel to ensure they are appropriately educated and vigilantly aware of the dynamic MRI environment so they may apply the knowledge to safely work with staff, research subjects, and patients in the Research Imaging Center. The two levels of MR personnel have different levels of permission and access to zones 2-4 in the Research Imaging Center. The course covers all restrictions and rules to safely work in the Research Imaging Center. 

HCM Course Code: u00201

Start Course
CU: CURIC Radiation Safety Awareness Training Required for all staff working in the Research Imaging Center at the CU Anschutz campus. This 30-minute long training provides an overview of radiation safety for individuals conducting research at the CURIC facility. Participants will learn what radiation is, how to minimize exposure, and the specific locations where radiation sources are present in the workplace. The course aims to promote safety and awareness for those working in areas with radiation, even if they are not classified as radiation workers.

HCM Course Code: u00271

Start Course
CU: Lab Safety Required for all Faculty, staff, student workers, and affiliates who work in laboratories at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus and CU Denver campuses. This hour-long course covers general laboratory safety and the associated hazards of chemicals, biological materials, and equipment; how to employ administrative and engineering controls to minimize hazards; guidance on selecting appropriate personal protective equipment; and how to prepare for emergencies. You must complete the course and pass the quiz to get complete credit for this training.

HCM Course Code: u00050
CU-SIS Course Code: SK008

Start Course

Laser Safety Training Recommended for employees who work with 3B (moderate) and 4 (high-power) laser systems This hour-long course covers what a laser is and how it works, the types and classes of lasers, non-beam laser hazards, the biological effects of a laser on the human body, and the types of control measures. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable American National Standards Institute regulatory requirements.

HCM Course Code: x00109
CU-SIS Course Code: SK007

Start Course

CU: N95 Respirator Safety
Required annually for all personnel at CU Denver I Anschutz Medical Campus whose work requires the use of an N95 respirator, as identified by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).
This 15-minute course serves as an introduction to N95 respirator use at CU Denver I Anschutz Medical Campus. The course will cover the characteristics of N95 respirators, the process for obtaining an N95 respirator, and the proper way to wear and remove an N95 respirator. Personnel must have medical clearance from Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) as a prerequisite for this course.

HCM Course Code: u00136
CU-SIS Course Code: SK020

Start Course

CU: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guidelines for rDNA Required for all CU Anschutz faculty and staff members, and students who are involved in research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, regardless of funding source. This 30-minute course covers the NIH guidelines for research involving recombinant and synthetic nucleic acid molecules, including regulatory and advisory committees, and summaries of important sections and appendices that affect applications for research funding.

HCM Course Code: u00132

Start Course
CU: Operation and Maintenance Training Required annually for CU employees who conduct maintenance work in CU buildings on materials known, or suspected of, containing asbestos. This 180-minute course covers asbestos and lead, authorized work activities and prohibited practices, and employee health and safety. After completing this course, you should be able to:
  • Conduct authorized maintenance work in CU buildings on materials known or suspected of containing asbestos.
  • Follow correct workflow for authorized activities.
  • Protect yourself from exposure.
This course contains video with audio. You should complete Asbestos Awareness before taking this course.

HCM Course Code: u10113

Start Course
CU: Radiation Safety Initial Training Required for all faculty, staff, students, and volunteers at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus who work with radioactive materials.  This hour-long course is the initial training for radiation safety. You will learn about radiation is and how it behaves, using detection instruments, employing safety controls in the laboratory, ordering and receiving radionuclides, performing surveys, and responding to spills and injuries. Do not take this course if you need to take the refresher. You will not receive credit for this course if you have been asked to complete the Radiation Safety Refresher course.

HCM Course Code: u00131

Start Course

CU: Radiation Safety Refresher Required annually for all personnel at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus who handle radioactive materials in any form as part of their work.  This 30-minute refresher course covers the essential information from the initial training, including radiation basics, safe handling, and disposal of radioactive materials, performing surveys, and selecting shielding. CU: Radiation Safety is a prerequisite for this course.

HCM Course Code: u00100

Start Course

CU: Regulated Medical Waste Management Required every 3 (three) years for all CU Denver and Anschutz faculty and staff members who generate regulated medical waste on campus. This 30-minute course covers important regulations and practices for safe management and disposal of medical waste at CU Denver.

HCM Course Code: u00089
CU-SIS Course Code: SK022

Start Course

Respiratory Protection 2.0 Recommended for employees who potentially will be exposed to hazardous airborne contaminants in the course of their work This hour-long course covers respiratory hazards, protection mechanisms, and safe work practices. Learn about using respiratory protection to ward against hazardous airborne contaminants in the work environment. This course does not include the types of respirators and other protective considerations required when working with ionizing radiation.

HCM Course Code: x01504

Start Course
CU: Shipping Biological Materials Required for CU employees who ship biological materials at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus and CU Denver campuses.
(This course is required by anyone who ships these materials prior to shipping, and a refresher is required once every 2 (two) years thereafter.)
This hour-long course covers the appropriate regulations when shipping biological materials. To receive credit for this training, the course and its accompanying quiz must be completed.

HCM Course Code: c20003

Start Course
CU: Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan This course is required for faculty, staff, and students that work in facilities management departments or maintain research equipment. This 30-minute course covers the requirements of the Boulder campus Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) which is required by the Environmental Protection Agency. All campus personnel who manage equipment or containers that hold a volume of fuel or any type of oil at 55 gallons or greater – with certain exceptions (i.e., vehicles, mobile equipment) are required to complete this course annually.

HCM Course Code: u10121

Start Course
CU: Voluntary Use Respirator Acknowledgement This acknowledgment is required for Facilities Management employees who choose to wear a respirator not prescribed by Facilities Management Safety or CU Environmental Health and Safety. This ten-minute acknowledgment covers mandatory information for employees using respirators not required under the OSHA standard listed in Appendix D to Sec. 1910.134, and is required for employees who choose to wear a respirator not prescribed by Facilities Management Safety or CU Environmental Health and Safety.

HCM Course Code: u00204

Start Course
CU: X-Ray Training This course is required for any student, faculty, or staff who may be using, administering, or operating an x-ray emitting machine. This 45-minute course covers training for safely using x-ray emitting machines for both healing and non-healing arts. This course is designed to instruct any student, faculty, or staff who may be using, administering, or operating an x-ray emitting machine. This course will be used to train first-time x-ray users at the Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus as well as serve as an annual refresher for users of x-ray emitting machines. After completing the course, the learner should understand basic ionization principles, radiation safety involving x-ray emitting machines, when and how to contact EHS, and what to do in an emergency.

HCM Course Code: u00228

Start Course