Photos give you the opportunity to brand your emails, make them more visually interesting, and get constituents interested in your offerings.
Consider ways to segment your audience to help increase the effectiveness of your emails.
Salesforce offers a wide range of resources for their customers. Learn more about the resources available to premier accounts through this webinar recording.
When it comes to using software like Marketing Cloud, the browser that you use can impact performance. In effort to provide clarity around which browsers work best with Marketing Cloud, Salesforce has released this handy guide.
With the new calendar year just around the corner, now is a great time to take a look at your current communications plan. During this review, consider the possibility of developing and implementing journeys for your constituents. The impact of marketing journeys, along with tips and tricks, are described in this post from MailChimp.
Creating compelling emails is only part of of a successful marking campaign, but it is an important part. The layout, design, and overall look of an email can have significant impact on the engagement that it drives. A great resource for new ideas and design suggestions is Really Good Emails. Really Good Emails is a collection of, well.... really good emails.
As an event planner, you know that emotions are a powerful driver for how people remember events. Empowering or suprising your event attendees can boost the ROI on your event and drive attendee engagement. Check out this video from Splash for tips on how to create a memorable event experience for your attedees.
Segmentation: a word that every marketer and communicator knows well. Even so, taking a closer look at this key component of marketing and communications can be highly beneficial. A blog post from emailmonday recaps basic principles of segmentation and also provides actionable steps for implementation.
The event industry is rapidly evolving to include more strategic use of technology and better definition of user experiences. These trends and best practices, along with 38 others, are discussed "10 Event Trends for 2017" from The Event Manager Blog. This handbook, written by industry professionals, contains interesting information and quick tips to help you stay at the forefront of events.
Salesforce offers a wide range of resources for their customers. Among these resources are accelerators, or quick, personalized work sessions that solve specific Salesforce challenges.
