List Views provides a way for users to quickly view a segment of data in Salesforce. At eComm, List Views are most commonly used when viewing Campaigns (including event participation), Email Sends and Contacts. They can help you keep a pulse on your efforts by answering questions such as, 'what are my active events?' or 'what emails went out this week?'.
Did you know that Email Send data from Marketing Cloud can also be viewed in Salesforce? Learn how in this wiki.
Sometimes constituents reach out to us to modify their email preferences instead of using the CU Footer for All Emails. Learn what to do if you want to help but aren't sure how to do so.
Do you need to create a new email preference category or modify an existing email preference category? Learn how in this wiki.
One of the cornerstones of eComm is allowing constituents to manage their own email preferences. Learn how Salesforce and Marketing Cloud make that constituent-centered focus possible.
There are two types of contacts you'll encounter in Salesforce: standard and individual. Learn the difference.
Need to make changes to a Salesforce campaign or delete one that you no longer need? Learn how in this wiki.
Why are campaign and report names long, and why do they seem so complicated? Learn more about eComm's naming conventions to find out.
Wondering about the different between Salesforce campaigns and reports? This wiki can help.
October MEC Meeting Highlights, Automation Studio, Marketing Cloud Reporting, Wiki Indexing and Glossary, Data Inconsistency: Salesforce and Marketing Cloud, Cvent-Salesforce Integration Issue, New Wikis This Week, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks and Data Monitoring
