Ensure an employee’s final pay or late pay after termination processes correctly.
Taking time to proactively check for data mismatches and active funding status in HCM can prevent delayed paychecks.
The fiscal year 2022 (FY22) Department Budget Table (DBT) roll forward occurred on June 29.
Fiscal year 2022 (FY22) begins on July 1. Ensure that this year’s payroll (and effort) is allocated correctly before the close of fiscal year 2021.
The fiscal year 2022 (FY22) Department Budget Table (DBT) roll forward will occur on June 29.
Verify pay funding sources as soon as the payroll registers are ready and take action to amend errors.
Use HCM queries to find FY21 expired funding rows
Follow these steps to ensure funding posts to the DBT.
Funding that crosses fiscal years will be manually entered.
Ensure fiscal year end payroll posts accurately to report and certify with ease.
