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Accessing Collegis Dashboards

Both Collegis and Salesforce provide valuable data about lead qualification and transfer. This information is most actionable when assessed on a regular basis and when viewed against benchmarks and best practices.

Accessing Collegis Thoughtspot Dashboards

General benchmarking occurs in Collegis Thoughtspot dashboards. These dashboards are available on demand at the links below. Additionally, Collegis includes key data points in the scheduled email updates provided to campus partners.

Each of these dashboards contains substantial amounts of data related to Collegis' efforts, and some of the components also contain references to industry standard benchmarks.

Accessing Salesforce Collegis Dashboards

In addition to Thoughtspot dashboards, the Integrated Online Services (IOS) Salesforce org also collects data regarding Collegis performance and the pipeline:




The Salesforce-based dashboards provide key information that can be compared against Thoughtspot dashboards to answer questions including the following:

  • How do successful and failure dispositions look for my campus?
  • What source channel garners the most successful dispositions?
  • What source channel has the highest contact rate?
  • What campaigns are most effective in generating leads?
  • In what months does my campus generate the highest number of leads, and are these increases tied to marketing efforts?
  • How can I retarget leads based on where they are in the pipeline?