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Digest | February 10, 2023

Upcoming Governance Group Meeting

  • Agenda and Resources: We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming February governance group meeting on the 17th. We'll be providing a complete agenda and information to review in advance on Monday, February 13.

IOS Salesforce and Pardot

  • Lost Leads: We're preparing to continue a process-related discussion regarding lost leads at our February governance group meeting.
  • Mogli Error: We've received an error related to Mogli and have opened a case with the vendor.
  • Ongoing Integration Troubleshooting: The team undertook several attempts with the UIS integrations team to continue data quality work in IOS.
  • Data Quality Dashboards: In tandem with these efforts, we're continuing to develop data quality dashboards that will assist us in monitoring performance at a glance over time while identifying trends.
    • Reporting and Dashboards: The team has completed work on pipeline and marketing dashboards that can be filtered by campus. We're sharing these resources during our campus-specific marketing meetings to gather additional feedback and will continue to improve the resources as questions arise. Work is underway to provide more detailed school/college and program data so we can better understand performance based on multiple data points.

CU Online Brand Marketing

  • Brand Ambassadors: We're continuing to plan for the upcoming launch of our CU Online brand ambassadors program.
  • Brand Expansion Exploration: The team has met to discuss a path forward regarding brand expansion into hybrid programs and recommends a combination of approaches listed below. We plan to discuss in more detail during our February governance meeting but, generally speaking, do not have major concerns about brand expansion.
    • Addition of delivery selection and associated terminology on "Find My Program" page
    • Creation of additional content with more information on hybrid, clinical component, etc. to ensure marketing transparency and setting of appropriate lead expectations.
    • Educational postings on social 
  • Drupal Migration: The team is continuing to plan for an upgrade to Drupal 10.
  • RFI Forms: The WebApps team is testing alternative RFI form formats, such as multi-step, and page placement. The team will monitor the results and see if the changes drive more leads into the funnel.
  • Secret Shopping: We recently completed a secret shopping experience that yielded interesting results. We're working to scale these efforts based on campus requests so we can identify areas of opportunity and work together toward strategic improvements.
  • Web Presence: The marketing team has begun to gather data regarding website performance, including but not limited to the items below. We'll have more information to share soon.
    • Page abandonment rates
    • Potential RFI modifications based on evolving industry standards and associated performance data
    • Website highest traffic pages
    • Website traffic and conversions
    • Website traffic by program category

Campus-Specific Requests

  • Anschutz
    • Reports and Dashboards: We are continuing to work on the reports and dashboards referenced above based on your initial feedback.
  • Boulder
    • Calendly Error: The team is continuing to troubleshoot the reported Calendly error. We have a case open with the vendor and are awaiting their response.
    • Collegis: We've notified Collegis of the March 1 process change; they are planning to discuss with the campus team during their next meeting. From the UIS side, we have what we need to proceed with this change.
    • Program Removal Request: The team has a few additional questions regarding Boulder's request to remove selected programs from the CU Online website. We're planning to continue this conversation and determine the best path forward at our campus meeting next week.
  • Colorado Springs
    • Application Data: The team completed a manual load of UCCS application data.
    • Collegis and Five9: We were notified that Collegis is seeking to cease its relationship with Five9, which UCCS is continuing to use during the remainder of the contract period. After discussion, we believe that Collegis using a new vendor will not affect UCCS' ability to continue using Five9. Jen Mortensen will confirm with Collegis and provide more information as soon as possible.
    • Non-English Speaking Leads: The team met with Swish to explore the root cause behind a substantial increase in non-English speaking leads. The Swish team believes the increase is related to Google and Facebook algorithms and had adjusted their strategy as a result. We will continue to monitor and keep the team updated.
  • Denver
    • Lead Flow: We're looking forward to continuing to work with you to assess lead flow as your campus conversation progress.

Training and Enablement

  • Online Resources: We're wrapping up remaining details on training and enablement resources and plan to have the website launched prior to our February governance group meeting.

Vendor Relationship Management

  • Collegis: The team is continuing to gather the information requested re: next steps with qualification and transfer. We plan to devote a large portion of our February meeting to this ongoing discussion and will provide resources to review in advance.