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Digest | Jan. 20, 2023

Work Completed

IOS Salesforce and Pardot

  • Collegis Integration Update: Recent integration issues were linked to an error in which Collegis was sending a data file to an incorrect location. That issue has been resolved and data should now be populating as expected.
  • Integration Filter Adjustments: The team updated Mulesoft filters that were conflicting with ODIN and resulting in incorrect data in Salesforce.
  • ODIN Filter Criteria Alignment: Before data enters Salesforce, it is sent to ODIN, an integration platform. The team updated the filter criteria to ensure a seamless data flow. 
  • Pardot Opt-Out Sync: The team updated email opt-out rules based on a recent Pardot release.
  • Reporting and Dashboards: We are continuing to work on the pipeline data and will work with each campus to ensure data quality.

CU Online Brand Marketing

  • Brand Campaign: The New Year brand campaign launched and is capitalizing on leads interested in pursuing educational opportunities in 2023.
  • Social Media: February social content has been created and is under review.

Campus-Specific Requests

  • Boulder
    • Email Send Report: Following the launch of Boulder's drip campaign, the team created a report to allow for better tracking of engagement results.
  • Colorado Springs
    • Datamover Configuration: As a stopgap until the integrations team has capacity to connect the UCCS R7A org to the IOS org, the team installed datamover to facilitate weekly application imports.
    • Missing Population Load Preparation: The team identified the correct population of UCCS applications to facilitate a weekly import.
    • Pardot Training: The team has provided additional Pardot training and resources to UCCS.

Work In Progress

IOS Salesforce and Pardot

  • Application Integration: The team is continuing to work toward application and enrollment integration discrepancies and will be doing further testing and validation next week. 
  • Lost Leads: The team will be drafting options for consideration related to the management of lost leads.

CU Online Brand Marketing

  • Brand Ambassadors: Work is continuing toward the launch of the CU Online Brand Ambassadors program with an expected go live date of April 2023.
  • Brand Expansion Exploration: The team will be meeting to discuss the implications of CU Online brand expansion into hybrid programs, certificate programs, and more.
  • Reports and Dashboards: Based on the pipeline dashboard referenced above, the team will be working to further breakdown marketing data in a similar fashion.
  • Secret Shopping: The team has completed a few "secret shopping" activities on the CU Online website and is working to expand those efforts to additional programs and campuses.
  • Social Media: The team is exploring opportunities for expansion into YouTube and working to improve social organic reporting.
  • Website Copy Review: The team is continuing to review and improve copy and content on the CU Online website.

CU Online Web Presence

  • Drupal Migration: The team is exploring the opportunities with and implications of upgrading to Drupal 10. 

Training and Enablement

  • Online Resources: The team is developing a series of online resources to allow for ongoing growth and development of users' skills in Salesforce and Pardot.

Vendor Relationship Management

  • Collegis
    • Content: The team has received phone, email, and texting content from Collegis and will be conducting a review and suggesting improvements.
    • Contract: The team will be reviewing the Collegis contract to better understand options as we near the end of the Fiscal Year.

Campus-Specific Requests

  • Boulder
    • Calendly Integration Error: Boulder has reported a discrepancy between Calendly appointments and monthly reports. The team is continuing to investigate.
    • Slate Filter Criteria Alignment: The team is working to identify an issue that is preventing Slate data from entering Salesforce.​​​​​​​