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Online Governance Digest

Campus Bi-Weekly Meetings

Last week, we began a new cadence of campus bi-weekly meetings that will occur every other Wednesday to align more closely with our team's sprint planning schedule. A few highlights of the new structure are as follows:

  • Detailed Agenda: Each meeting has an agenda driven by your wish list and roadmap items, as well as work currently in our ticketing queue. 
  • Visible Work Plan: Each agenda is linked to a spreadsheet documenting the sprints remaining in 2023 and highlighting the work we have planned for each. A second tab highlights work items in the queue and provides a status for each. These spreadsheets also capture progress on the wish list and roadmap items you have identified through December 31.
  • Sprint Planning: Conversations and action items directly inform our bi-weekly sprint planning so that we can ensure we are prioritizing the work that is most important to you.

Note on boards: Given the new bi-weekly meeting structure, we will no longer be updating the work status board. Please refer to your campus spreadsheet instead.

Quarterly Roadmap Submissions

During our September governance meeting, we discussed quarterly intake of roadmap items to help our team better align with your vision and understand the imperatives that lie ahead. We will share a detailed submission and review schedule during our October governance meeting, but please note the following timeline for Q1 2024 requests:

  • November 1: You will receive a notification that we are accepting your wish list items and instructions for how to submit them. We request that you submit your items by November 30.
  • December 1: Our team will review submissions and identify any areas of alignment between campuses.
  • December 15: We will discuss campus requests and next steps at our December governance meeting.

Marketing Cloud and Drupal 10

After our September governance discussion regarding Marketing Cloud and Drupal 10, we're continuing conversations at the campus level to determine the best path forward based on your goals. A few key updates are below.

  • Marketing Cloud: Each campus would like to move to Marketing Cloud based on additional functionality that the platform features. While we are beginning initial configuration work this fall, our plan is that Marketing Cloud and Pardot will continue to function simultaneously so campuses can continue to customize outreach with the current tools (if desired) or selectively pilot new features once configuration is complete.
  • Drupal 10: We know that each campus is eager for a timeline documenting the move to Drupal 10. That timeline will likely vary by campus depending on the campus-specific vision for phase two of the websites. We are meeting with campus stakeholders during the next two weeks to better understand your vision for phase two so that we can provide an accurate forecast.
    • Additional resourceDrupal 9 vs. Drupal 10: Risks and Opportunities
    • Current website work: We know many of you are interested in optimizing your current website while we plan for Drupal 10. We agree that there are many options available to optimize the current websites, and for those of you who have requested that work, we're meeting with you within the next two weeks to understand your requirements.

Marketing Manager Search

As some of you know, we recently launched a search for a marketing manager who will help to coordinate the activities of our marketing and creative team members. This role will collaborate closely with our assistant directors of CRM and web applications to collaboratively ensure that our teams are scoping and scheduling work correctly and to improve overall efficiency and deliverability. 

Since we know this role is critical to your success, we've included key campus partners in the search committee efforts, including Kyla White (CU Anschutz), Melissa Willers (UCCS), and Vivek Arora (CU Denver). Thanks to all for your willingness to be part of this hiring process.